Subject: Installing OPENSTEP 4.2 on Virtual PC 6 From: Chris Roehrig Date: 6 Feb 2003 15:17:18 -0800 Organization: I managed to get this to work and there are some tricky bits. This is with VPC 6.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.2.3. You need an OPENSTEP 4.2 User CD or CD image. 1. Download the 4.2 Install, Drivers, and Beta_Drivers_1 floppy disk images from: 2. Configure your VPC to have a fixed-size HDD (I used 500MB), virtual switch networking, and 32 MB of RAM (not more! It seems like this is an issue). 3. Insert the OPENSTEP 4.2 User CD-ROM and boot from the Install floppy. Insert the Drivers floppy when prompted. 4. When prompted for the hard disk and CD-ROM drivers, insert the 4.2_Beta_Drivers_1 floppy and select: Intel PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Device Controller (v4.03) (Dev:7 Func:1 Bus:0) for both CD and HDD. 5. Follow the prompts to install (use the whole disk for OPENSTEP). 6. Remove floppy and reboot. 7. When rebooting, type "-v" at the boot: prompt in order to boot in "verbose" mode to get detailed console messages for monitoring progress. 8. Insert the beta drivers floppy when prompted. 9. Sometimes OPENSTEP hangs after the "portmap" console message (or "Starting Network Services" if you forgot to type "-v" at the boot prompt). This is when it is trying to start NetInfo (nibindd). If it's hung (give it a good couple minutes), restart the VPC, and watch it check disks and automatically reboot again. Remember to type "-v" at the boot prompt again. If you don't want to stare at a blank screen for 15 minutes, you can insert an unbootable floppy (e.g. the beta drivers disk) to catch it when it reboots. 10. Eventually, you'll boot up into the graphical which is SUPPOSED to ask you to insert the floppy with the beta PIIX EIDE driver (according to the printed OPENSTEP installation manual). For some reason it doesn't, and you end up without an EIDE driver in your Other Devices (the rightmost button with the question mark). Click the Add... button and add the Primary/Secondary(Dual) EIDE and ATAPI Device Controller (v4.01) to your system configuration and click DONE. This isn't the PIIX EIDE driver we installed with and we'll have to fix that after we reboot. 11. Click the Display icon and add the S3 Generic PCI Display Driver. You can choose the display mode now (I use 1024 x 768, 60Hz, RGB:888/32). 16-bit modes evidently don't work. SAVE the config when done. 12. The package installer will launch. Uncheck all the additional packages (languages, other packages). (You can install them later once you've rebooted and have the correct EIDE driver installed). Click the appropriate buttons and it will reboot. Remember to type "-v" at the boot: prompt to monitor the boot progress (especially since now you're not using the right EIDE driver!) 13. Select your language and keyboard and when you login, double-click the Preferences icon in the Dock (second from the top; looks like a calendar/clock), and select the password button (the lock & key). Give the user a password, and then switch to the Workspace Manager app (double click the NeXT icon in the dock), and log out. 14. Log in as "root" (no password) and insert the beta drivers floppy, and select the "Disk->Check For Disks" menu item from Workspace Manager to mount the floppy. 15. Navigate to /42_Beta_Drivers_1/private/Drivers/i386/EIDE.config and drag this folder (EIDE.config) to the "shelf" (the blank space at the top of the File Viewer). (This is just a convenient placeholder, not a copy.) Type "/usr/Devices" (a Find window will pop up) and hit Return to expose that directory (Jeez, I wish Apple would put this back into OSX's Finder!) Select EIDE.config in that directory (NOT the one on the shelf!) and drag its folder icon to the "trash" (the recycling icon at the bottom of the Dock). Drag the floppy disk's EIDE.config icon from the "shelf" to the /usr/Devices folder icon to copy the EIDE driver and "install" it. ( is supposed to be able to do all this driver updating, but it screws it up and you can't select the PIIX driver. This way is a clean replacement.) 16. Launch from the dock (the computer with screwdriver icon) and select the Other Devices (rightmost icon with question mark). Select the existing EIDE and ATAPI driver and Remove it. Select Add... and add the Intel PIIX PCI EIDE/ATAPI Device Controller (v4.03). Enable the "Bus Master DMA" option. Click DONE and Save (you can also install the DECchip 21041 network adapter at this time if you like -- click the "world" icon). 18. Unmount the floppy (drag it to the "trash") and eject it. (If you don't unmount it, things will hang until you reinsert the floppy and unmount it.) Reboot. You should now have a useable OPENSTEP system and can install the other packages on the OPENSTEP CD (in /OPENSTEP_42/NextCD/Packages -- just double-click on the ones you want). Networking is another story...