micq - a portable ICQ Console Client $Id: README,v 2003/10/06 17:43:36 kuhlmann Exp $ -*- coding: utf-8 -*- current Version: ==================================== a) About mICQ mICQ is a very portable ICQ Console Client originally written by Matthew D. Smith. mICQ is known to compile on many systems, including (but not limited to) Linux, BSD, AIX, HPUX, BeOS, Windows and AmigaOS. When the Author passed away 2001-01-05, some of us users overtook the "leadership" of the project and its now actively developed by some of us freaks. For some time, Rico Glöckner maintained the code. He also set up the mailing list and hosts www.micq.org. Right now, Rüdiger Kuhlmann maintains the code. All code to implement the new v8 ICQ protocol is from him. In fact, huge parts of mICQ have been rewritten completely by him. b) Features Features of mICQ include: * login - login with both the old v6 and the new v8 protocol * register - register new uins and setup configuration with an easy to use setup wizard * password - changing password * reconnect - reconnects when kicked by server * contact list - complete contact list with several ways for a concise display of online/offline users * contact groups - arrange contacts into groups * server side contact list - download server side contact list and show, diff or import * status - set status arbitrarily * messages - send and receive messages and urls * utf-8 messages - first non-official client to support sending and receiving of unicode encoded messages (acknowledged _AND_ non-acknoledged) * sms - send SMS to user's cell phone * user info - request and update all user an dpersonal information * search - easy search command, can search by (nearly) any information * visibility - be visible to certain users even when invisible, or be invisible to certain users at any time * ignore - ignore certain users completely * chat group - request user from interest group and set own's interest group * events - can beep or execute arbitrary commands when other users go online, offline or send a message. * remote control - can be operated from other programs via a FIFO * connections - can show a users connection info and last seen online time * peek - check whether someone is offline or just invisible * tcp - full support of v8 direct connections * auto messages - auto replys if away, request and send auto messages * file transfer - v6, v7, v8 file transfer * identification - recognizes mICQ, licq, Miranda, StrICQ, &RQ, vICQ including version number, and YSM, Trillian, Kopete, sim and some of the official client versions * history - writes a log of all messages to and from a user * debugging - easy debugging by selecting what data to display, including concise packet monitor * i18n - translations include English, German, Russian, French, partially Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian. * transcoding - transcode texts into arbitrary character encodings, in particular for Russian and Japanese users. * utf-8 - can handle unicode input and output of arbitrary single-charactercell unicode characters * birthday flag - show if it is user's birthday * socks5 - supports connections via socks5 c) Translations mICQ, its man page and the www.micq.org website are translated into several languages, including English, German, Spanish and Russian. See the web page for downloads of new translations. d) Mailinglist They are hosted by . Currently you: post subscribe, unsubscribe, help An Archive might be found at: e) Download Download mICQ sources and binaries from f) CVS Required is the cvs client, autoconf 2.57 or greater and automake 1.7 or greater. automake 1.7.2 is recommended, however. cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@micq.org:/var/lib/cvs co -r stable-0-4-10 micq To prepare the maintainer generated files: $ ./prepare This will run aclocal, autoheader, automake -ac and autoconf. Note that if you don't have current autotools, there is a CVS snapshot that you can download the includes the generated files just like in the release. It does, however, contain CVS directories, so you can still use "cvs up" to update the checkout. Usually I upload a new snapshot when I make changes to configure.ac or any of the Makefile.am files. If that isn't enough because you made too much changes, you can link the generated files from a CVS snapshot to a CVS checkout like this: cd micq # the CVS check-out ln -s ../micq-cvs/{install-sh,config.guess,config.sub,configure,depend,mkinstalldirs} . cd ../micq-cvs # the CVS snapshot find . -name "*.in" -exec ln -s ../micq-cvs/\{\} ../micq/\{\} g) Compile $ ./configure --help Please read the help carefully. Particularly, if you are not "root", please watch the --prefix parameter. $ ./configure $ make $ su # make install h) Usage Although mICQ has some command line options, for a quick start just type 'micq'. If you don't have a valid configuration, the setup wizard will guide you through the process of creating one for you. i) NOTE! mICQ is in a phase of being re-organized, thus things may change very fast. When in doubt, have a Look at http://www.micq.org/ or the mailing list or contact me via ICQ. However, look out for announcements on Freshmeat.net.