SUBMISSION SmartAssistant 1.0 for OPENSTEP / MacOS X SmartAssistant is a database based Document Management and Scientific Wordprocessing System for OPENSTEP / MacOS X. Unlike other wordprocessors and type setting applications, SmartAssistant has been built from the ground-up with the scientist in mind, that needs to create, exchange and update documents with formula intensive contents very efficiently. Features such as WYSIWYG formula creation, hyperlinks, citations, database storage and architecture independent file formats make SmartAssistant the ideal wordprocessing solution for students, engineers, scientists and others with similar demands. SmartAssistant offers - database/file storage - books, documents, child documents - hyperlinks - quotations - WYSIWYG formula creation / modification - unlimited undo for text and formulas - user definable keystrokes - user extendable character set (formula sysmbols) - very powerful document retrieval - rtfd export SmartAssistant will offer soon - TeX Import/Export - SGML Export - Frames RELEASE NOTES This is the first official release of SmartAssistant. SmartAssistant currently supports OpenBase ( and FrontBase ( Please let us know, if you need help in getting a copy of and setting up one of these databases. Note, that SmartAssistant requires OPENSTEP 4.2 and EOF 2.1 (or higher). You also need to install SmartBase. A version for MacOS X Server will be available as soon as CR1 ships. A version for OPENSTEP WinNT is in preparation. PRICES SmartAssistant can be downloaded from The unlicensed version is fully functional except saving and printing of documents. You need to enter a license key provided by Smartsoft Development to enable these remaining features.Trial keys can be ordered for free allowing you to test SmartAssistant without restrictions for a limited period of time. Unlimited license keys are available for purchase US $99.00 / DM 180,00 + MwSt for students US $199.00 / DM 360,00 + MwSt for others from ACADEMY ( or directly from Smartsoft Development ( The following trial key is valid until May 1 1999 and can be used to get a first impression of SmartAssistant. 4X4r4T5B5F4F4z4q4u5D4y4T4x5F3p4f4Q5A5F4w3G4R4m4x4l4W4e4z4z4k3X4U5C4n4Y4z4t5E4T5D4u4z4u4W3q3m3n3U3o3y3x3t SmartAssistant is under active development and we would like to encourage you to let us know, if there is anything we can do for you. Please send comments, suggestions and bugs to Smartsoft Development Tel: 49 451 861803 Fax: 49 451 861804 Web: E-Mail: