---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy for OPENSTEP Version 2.0 Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software Last updated: September 28, 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Where do I get a FREE demo version of Joy? * Joy 2.0 - Prototype, Develop and Deploy! * How to order Joy * How to install Joy * Joy License Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where do I get a FREE demo version of Joy? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy is fitted with a copy-protection key system. It is designed to prevent unauthorized use of the software. To use all features of Joy you need to obtain a key. FREE KEY WITHIN MINUTES! You can get a free key, and you can get it immediately. Why not do it now? Simply email our automated server at joykey-request@aaa-plus.com with a blank message. You don't need to supply your credit card or any details. The key will be valid for about three weeks. THE SOFTWARE RUNS AS IS! However, Joy can work straight away, without a key. So if you don't want to request an evaluation key, you can still test the software. Deinstalling the software is easy. It's all covered in the installation instructions. WHERE CAN I GET JOY? The URL for downloading this file as well as versions of Joy for other platforms is: http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/download.html Joy information is available online from AAA+ at the following URL: http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/ If you want to contact us you can email, fax, write or call AAA+ at: AAA+ Software Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbH. Rotenturmstrasse 22/11 A-1010 Vienna Austria / EUROPE mail: joy@aaa-plus.com Tel. +43 1 533 66 65-0 Fax +43 1 533 68 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy 2.0 - Prototype, Develop and Deploy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All you want from one programming tool.€ Confused about Yellow Box? Want to get started programming quickly?€ Or do you know Yellow Box and want to write powerful applications; yet find compiling a hassle?€ Take a look at what Joy€2.0 has to offer. Joy allows you to learn about the Yellow Box framework. Inspect. Interact. See objects and classes on screen, and see what methods they provide. Double click an object, double click a method, hit return, and it's executed! Capture these commands as a script and form new methods! Develop sophisticated applications. Quickly and exploratively. Customize existing software. No new language to learn. No plethora of discordant scripting languages. Just one harmonious solution. Joy€2.0. ooo OOOOO ooo Apple development tools are extremely powerful. So powerful, in fact, that, by taking the concept one step further, we turned our dream into reality: a rapid application development environment, so powerful, it makes professional software development a truly enjoyable experience. We have used this technology, internally, on large development projects for many years. Then we decided to make the core of it a shrinkwrap product - guess why we called it Joy! Look at what you can do with Joy 2.0: * Learn about the Yellow Box framework. Inspect its classes and objects. Look at what methods are provided, and what instance variables there are. * Take a look at what's going on inside an application. Even one for which you don't have the source. * Interact with objects in an application. Double click on an object, double click on a method, hit return and it's executed! * Try out commands, then capture them in a method. Quickly and easily build up new functionality in your program. * Deploy to Windows. Save Joy projects directly as executable applications. Select which Yellow Box platforms to save it for. Size of executable: a mere 41k per platform! * Joy 2.0 is not YASL (Yet Another Scripting Language). The language is based on JavaScript, and has been designed to be cut-and-paste compatible with C, Objective-C, and Java. Prototype methods in Joy, then compile (if necessary) for speed. Install Joy now! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to order Joy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution package contains a free demo version of Joy Explorer. Please register Joy Explorer or purchase a Joy Developer license key using the integrated order panel or a web-based order form. Please use the web-based order form on http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/order/ or click on the Order button when the Joy Demo panel comes up. You can order Joy Explorer now and upgrade to Joy Developer later! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to install Joy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncompress and untar the distribution package that you'll get from this FTP site. You can do this by typing the following commands: gnutar -xzpvf Joy.2.0.m.NI.b.tar.gz You should read the installation instructions, which should be called 'InstallationInstructions.rtfd'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy License Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The enclosed Joy software comes with a free demo license. Please read the accompanying AAA+ Software License Agreement in the Joy documentation before using Joy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------