teTeX for Rhapsody DR2 I have compiled Thomas Esser's teTeX, a distribution of Donald E. Knuth's computer typesetting program, TeX. There has only been minimal testing done on this port, so expect some problems along the way. I will also release my diff's with the teTeX source distribution once I have the opportunity to modify it to automatically not compile xdvi. I hope to have a DVI viewer for the Yellow Box in a releasable alpha stage Real Soon Now¨. Prerequisites This distribution is for Rhapsody DR2 on PowerPC only. When I get DR2 for Intel, I'll go ahead and update the distribution. I doubt these binaries will work under DR1. Also, you must download and install the teTeX-lib-0.4pl8.tar.gz file, available from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) http://ftp.ctan.org/ctan/ or from the teTeX homepage at http://www.tug.org/tetex/. Installation First, you must download and install the teTeX lib distribution mentioned above. Change the the directory /usr/local and then unarchive the PowerPC binary distribution. Alternatively, if you use Opener.app to unarchive the binaries, just copy the contents of the teTeX directory into /usr/local/teTex. Follow the installation specified in /usr/local/teTeX/bin/README. Finally, run texconfig to set your preferences and rebuild the ls-R file. Bugs and Support If you find any bugs in the distribution specific to this port to Rhapsody, please feel free to fix it yourself :-) or contact me, Bill Chin, at wchin@acm.org. Unfortunately, I cannot promise any action on bugs you report. You can find more information at the teTeX Homepage and the TeX Users Group Homepage.