Welcome to the official Xnext distribution! Xnext is an X server for NEXTSTEP platforms that supports various screen depths reflecting the NeXT and DriverKit modes. An X screen that's realised as a window in the common NEXTSTEP UI enables you to start or display X11 applications on your system. DISTRIBUTION PARTS Xnext consists of the following NEXTSTEP packages: Xnext-install.rtf The Xnext installation guide Xnext-basicdist.pkg X11R6 basic distribution. Xnext-fonts.pkg X11R6 fonts and bitmap data (arch-indep.) Xnext-server.pkg Xnext server executable. Xnext.app.NIHS.b.tar.gz A NEXTSTEP frontend to the server. Xnext-dist.pkg Additional X11R6 executables and manual pages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xnext-libs.pkg Xnext development kit (quad-fat) Xnext-man-include.pkg X11R6 manual pages and header files. You need the Xnext-basicdist.pkg, the Xnext-fonts.pkg, and the Xnext-server.pkg to successfully run Xnext. Install them in this order, if possible. The Xnext-dist.pkg contains additional xapps. NOTE: There are different packages for each architecture (except for the libraries and architecture independent data). If you like to compile your own xapps, you need the Xnext-libs.pkg and the Xnext-man-include.pkg which contain the "Xnext development kit". RELEASE NUMBERS The packages have release numbers in their names (e.g. the fonts package will always be named Xnext-fonts.6.NIHS.d.tar.gz since this is Release 6 of the X System). So if the package changes on your FTP server, you can tell from the numbers in the name whether or not the data has changed. In some cases the packaging will change, though the contents remain the same. BUG REPORT If you discover a bug or would like a feature to be implemented, please inform the author at leuker@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de SHAREWARE Xnext is shareware -- if you want to use the software, you have to buy it. The registration fee is US$20 (or 30DM, if you like). Please contact me for details or fill out the registration form (it's in the /usr/X11R6 folder: Xnext-Registration.rtf). Stefan Leuker Grefrather Strasse 4 41334 Nettetal GERMANY eMail: leuker@POOL.informatik.rwth-aachen.de Find additional informations about Xnext's ongoing development at http://skynet.oph.rwth-aachen.de/~sl/Xnext/ or http://www-users.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~leuker/Xnext/ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 by Stefan Leuker