Hussain Chinoy has kindly provided the following installation instructions for OmniWeb. Ken Installing OmniWeb for RDR YellowBox February 25, 1998 1. Create C:\Local 2. Download OmniWeb from and place in C:\Local 3. Use WinZip to extract OmniComponents into C:\Local; it will create C:\Library and C:\Library\Components 4. Use WinZip to extract OmniFrameworks into C:\Local; it will create C:\Library\Frameworks and C:\Library\Executables 5. Use WinZip to extract the applications into C:\Local 6. Use to open C:\Local\\Resources\Info-winnt.plist and verify that SearchPaths contains a reference to where the Components are located (in this case, SearchPaths should have /Local/Library/Components) 7. Open up the System Control Panel (Start Menu -> Settings -> Control Panel, System icon) and select the Environment tab. Select the Variable "Path" and make sure that it has in it's value string C:\Local\Library\Executables and C:\Local 8. To start OmniWeb, click on C:\Local\\OmniWeb.exe ========================== Date: Wed Feb 25 18:35:15 1998 From: W Lee Nussbaum Subject: untarring OmniWeb for Windows A warning: If you use WinZip to untar OmniWeb, the pathnames of some preferences modules are truncated and won't load until corrected (panels with longer names, such as Bookmarks, History, etc.). I haven't yet tried unpacking them with the NeXT-supplied tar. - Lee