Resound 3.0 for Rhapsody DR1 and DR2 Sean Luke ( ) Friday, May 29, 1998 Resound is a sound editor for Rhapsody. Resound 3.0 is a port of the original Resound 2.5/NeXTSTEP code to the Rhapsody/OpenStep environment. Along the way, a lot of changes, bug fixes, etc., have been made. Rhapsody 3.0 now comes with FULL SOURCE CODE. Resound 3.0 comes in two flavors: 3.0 for Rhapsody DR1 and for Rhapsody DR2. Changes in DR1->DR2 have necessitated making two different Resound 3.0 versions unfortunately. Resound is designed to read AU, AIFF, IFF, WAV, VOC, SND, and MPEG2 sound files; it works nicely in conjunction with OmniWeb in playing and displaying downloaded sounds. Resound is also a modular sound editor, designed to be extended with plug-in bundles. As such, Resound comes with an API for writing such modules, and also comes with a suite of pre-written ones that extend its functionality. Resound 3.0 comes in two flavors: 3.0 for Rhapsody DR1 and for Rhapsody DR2. Changes in DR1->DR2 have necessitated making two different Resound 3.0 versions unfortunately. Resound's Home page is at Check there for up-to-date information, bug fixes, etc., for Resound.