Joy Services for Rhapsody
PowerPC & PC Compatibles
Version 1.0/DR2
Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software
Last updated: June 25, 1998
* Joy Services General Information
* How to install Joy Services?
Joy Services General Information
The JoyServices.1.0DR2.m.P.b.tgz archive contains AAA+ Software's
JoyServices.app for Rhapsody for PowerPC & PC Compatibles.
Joy, developed by AAA+ Software, is a tool for very quick, interactive
software development. JoyServices.app is a add-on for writing service menu
entries with Joy.
How to install Joy Services?
Uncompress and untar the distribution package JoyServices.1.0DR2.m.P.b.tgz.
You can do this by typing the following commands:
gnutar -xzpvf JoyServices.1.0DR2.m.P.b.tgz
This will create some files. Follow the instructions in the file
JoyServices.rtfd for completing the installation.
Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software.