ScanOmatic 3.0 beta - Fri 06. February 1998 ============================================ SCANNING - ScanOmatic Release 3.0 beta Now also available for OPENSTEP on Windows and Rhapsody! For limited period we provide a free test license and hope to receive many test reports, which will help to extend the scanner support. ScanOmatic is an easy-to-use scanner software for most of the popular desktop scanners. Additional software filters and an intuitive user interface allow powerful scanning. Again we were able to add new scanners, enhance the driver and software filter support. For more information visit our website at SUPPORTED SCANNERS ================== CANON: CanoScan 300 and 600, IX-4025, IX-4015, IX-3010, Film Scanner Z904A (not tested) Apple: Color OneScanner xx/1200 HP ScanJet: II, IIc, IIcx, IIp, 3c/4c, 5p Umax: UG80, UC300, UC630, UC840, UC1200S, UC1260 VISTA S6, VISTA S8, PS2400 PowerLook, T630 EPSON: GT-6000, GT-9000 (verified) 300, 600, 800, 1000, 4000, 6500 (not tested) 8000, 8500 (not tested) HSD: color, mono Oce: G60XX and G60XX-S series AGFA: Arcus II NIKON: FS-1000 slide scanner RICOH: IS410, IS420 A3 large size Bell+Howell: 4000 F, 5000 F A3 large size And any scanner with a compatible mode to one of the above listed. Architectures and OS Releases ============================= We support the OPENSTEP architectures: INTEL, NeXT, Windows NT & 95 and the Rhapsody architectures Intel, PowerPC. Due to differences in SCSI driver support you are invited to test it with your configuration before purchasing a license. ********************** * FREE TIMED LICENSE * ********************** Take the chance for a free test drive. You will find the latest releases on our archive: Check out: for latest ftp archives. Use the "Demo" button in the license panel to start a time restricted license (valid through April 1st). A demo is also possible with no scanner attached. FEATURE LIST ============ - one button scanning - desktop support: HP, Umax, HSD, AGFA, EPSON, CANON - slide support with Nikon FS-1000 scanner - large size support up to A0 scanners - many software filters - modular scanner devices - hardware independent user interface - floating and multi-user licenses - free updates within major release NEW IN 3.0 ============= - new architectures supported (Rhapsody and Windows NT & 95) - selection within documents - CANON scanners added - APPLE scanners added PRICES & UPDATES ================ UPDATE to 3.x (current users) all scanners 1.x or 2.x to 3.x 58 US$ DESKTOP SCANNERS (Agfa, Umax, HP, EPSON, HSD, Ricoh, Nikon, B+H, CANON) Retail 198 US$ ACADEMIC price 120 US$ HIGH-END SCANNERS Oce, X-Ray Retail 795 US$ Europe shipping 10 US$ International shipping 18 US$ just license key, no manual no shipping charge Members of the EU + 15% VAT Contact Information =================== interpersonal-computing GmbH ++49 (0) 89-219975.0 NeXT Center Munich ++49 (0) 89-219975.55 fax Oettingenstrasse 2 80538 Munich/GERMANY Also available through any NEXTSTEP reseller!