Resound 2.5 Sean Luke February 14, 1998 What's Resound? --------------- Resound is a modular sound editor for NeXTSTEP 3.x and 4.x, specifically designed to be extendable through dynamically-loaded modules. Resound has been compiled quad-fat. Resound is not designed to be the end-all and be-all of sound editors. Rather, it's designed to provide a framework for you to add your own filters and sound-bending tools ("modules"). Think of it as Adobe Photoshop for sound bites. If you're currently using an earlier version of Resound, please upgrade to Resound 2.5. Have fun! Downloading Resound ------------------- Resound has been uploaded to and to However, the easiest way to get a copy of Resound is to download it from Resound's home page, at Installing Resound ------------------ Installing Resound is a simple 3-step process: 1) Put into your /LocalApps directory 2) Make a directory called /LocalLibrary/Resound 3) Move all the files from Modules directory into /LocalLibrary/Resound. These files have .rmod extensions and Resound looks for them when it starts up. If you're interested in developing modules for Resound, you'll want to store the API and APIExamples directories as well. What's New ---------- Resound 2.5 contains a myriad of changes over 2.4, some significant, some relatively minor. First, this release works around two bugs found in the NeXT SoundKit which can cause Resound to crash. One bug concerns a sound's Info String. NeXT's sound manipulation functions do not deal with a sound's information string properly; as a result, Resou nd used to be crash when pasting into a sound with an info string longer than 4 bytes, and longer strings cannot be created and maintained properly. Resound now works around this by storing the info string in Resound's sound views rather than in the soun ds themselves. The other bug concerns cutting and pasting sounds: NeXT's cut-and-paste mechanism for sounds is "lazy": information is transferred to the pasteboard only upon paste. However, if you cut or copy a sound to the pasteboard, then close the window (freeing th e sound), then paste, an application will crash. Resound gets around this by eliminating the sound's element on the pasteboard before a sound is closed. This is a rather ugly workaround, but it prevents crashes nicely. This bug was also fixed in mainte nance release 2.4.1. The release also extends the valid sound formats for many modules, or allows them to gracefully convert formats. The release makes major changes to the FFT module, and adds two new modules (Gate and Channel ). Resound makes a few minor cosmetic feature s (changing "5-Decibel" to "20-Decibel" in the Marks inspector, for example), and adds a Sound Light to its app icon (try recording or playing a sound now!) Finally, the release adds Module Info (help) windows (look under the Info menu). Resound also makes changes to its module API, adding facilities for Fast Fourier Transforms and other features. And Resound now provides RTF-style API documentation. Submitting Modules ------------------ If you'd like to add any modules you've made to the Resound distribution, send mail to Will Resound be ported to Rhapsody or OpenStep? ----------------------------------------------- It's being looked into. It's not a small job, though. If you're interested in helping out, send mail to Sean Luke University of Maryland at College Park