---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy for Rhapsody PowerPC & PC Compatibles Version 1.13 Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software Last updated: June 2, 1997 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Joy General Information * Where do I get a FREE demo version of Joy? * How to order Joy? * How to install Joy? * Joy License Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy General Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Joy.1.13.m.P.b.tgz archive contains AAA+ Software's Joy 1.13 for Rhapsody DR2 for PowerPC with a free demo license of Joy Explorer. Joy, developed by AAA+ Software, is a tool for very quick, interactive software development. Joy boosts developer creativity and productivity by enabling programmers to quickly and interactively try out new ideas. Professional applications can thus be developed step by step, through rapid creation of prototypes. WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH JOY: * interactively explore the Yellow Box Frameworks * quickly prototype new solutions * rapidly develop and test sophisticated applications * swiftly implement small utilities with minimal overhead * test, debug, and enhance any Yellow Box application FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS * integration with Rhapsody's graphical tools for GUI construction * object-oriented scripting language to implement program logic * interactive testing of new code without recompiling or even restarting * all methods of classes in the Rhapsody frameworks available in scripts * interactive sending of messages to explore the Rhapsody frameworks * script variables graphically connected to User Interface Objects * inspect and change any object's variables or methods at runtime * definition of new classes and methods at runtime * methods can be implemented for both classes and single instances * internal, invisible use of byte-code compilation to boost performance * free mixing of interpreted scripts and compiled C++, C and Objective-C * scripted methods transparently callable from compiled Objective-C For developers new to Rhapsody Joy Explorer is the ideal tool: experiment with the API, get familiar with Rhapsody, and develop small scale applications. However, when the time comes, users can upgrade the product Joy Explorer by purchasing a Joy Developer license key. Joy Developer is an enhancement to the Rhapsody suite of developments tools, that will allow developers to create applications even faster than with the Rhapsody tools alone. Joy Developer is aimed at developers who want to interactively develop flexible sophisticated applications. With Joy they can quickly try out new ideas, and prototype solutions. With Joy Developer full-featured applications can be created without compiling any code. All objects, instance variables and methods can be inspected and modified at runtime. So new code can be tested without even restarting the application, which dramatically reduces debugging time. Applications developed with Joy are platform independent. Regardless on which platform they are developed (currently including Windows 95/NT, Rhapsody and OPENSTEP), they run on all of them with no porting required. Applications developed with Joy can provide a generic macro interface, to be customized by the user. But even third party programs can be adapted, enhanced and remote controlled with Joy, to integrate them to get your own custom tools. Joy has evolved from technologies used internally by AAA+ since 1993 to develop large financial applications. It has thus been thoroughly tested and validated in day to day operation for many years. Please register Joy Explorer or purchase a Joy Developer license key using the integrated order panel or a web-based order form. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where do I get a FREE demo version of Joy? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy comes with a free demo license. The URL for downloading this file as well as versions of Joy for other platforms is: http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/download.html Joy information is available online from AAA+ at the following URL: http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/ If you want to contact us you can email, fax, write or call AAA+ at: AAA+ Software Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbH. Rotenturmstrasse 22/11 A-1010 Vienna Austria / EUROPE mail: joy@aaa-plus.com Tel. +43 1 533 66 65-0 Fax +43 1 533 68 90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to order Joy? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution package contains a free demo version of Joy Explorer. Please register Joy Explorer or purchase a Joy Developer license key using the integrated order panel or a web-based order form. Please use the web-based order form on http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/order/ or click on the Order button when the Joy Demo panel comes up. You can order Joy Explorer now and upgrade to Joy Developer later! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to install Joy? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncompress and untar the distribution package Joy.1.13.m.P.b.tgz. You can do this by typing the following commands: gnutar -xzpvf Joy.1.13.m.P.b.tgz This will create some files. You should read the following two files: - LICENSE.rtf: License Agreement. See below. - InstallationInstructions.rtf: Instructions for completing the installation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy License Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The enclosed Joy software comes with a free demo license. Please read the accompanying AAA+ Software License Agreement in the Joy documentation before using or installing Joy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1998 by AAA+ Software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------