Chronographer -- A daily planner application Dwight Everhart January 16, 1999 UPDATE ====== This is Chronographer version 1.20. It was released on Saturday, January 16, 1999. It is the final NEXTSTEP version of Chronographer. Licenses purchased earlier versions of Chronographer will apply to this version, as well as to all 1.xx versions. In fact, all version 1 licenses will also apply to version 2, so, if you buy a version 1 license, you'll get a free upgrade to version 2. This is an especially good deal considering that version 2 will cost US$60, and the price of version 1 will increase to $60 when version 2 is released. Please note that I have changed my mind about an OPENSTEP version of Chronographer: Version 2 will support OPENSTEP for Mach 4.2 as well as Windows and Mac OS X. Features added: o Chronographer's user interface and help file have been translated into German by Daniel Holtwiesche. o Chronographer's user interface has been translated into French by Noel Ambroise Spinec. o A Date Style preference has been added to the General Preferences. With it, you can make Chronographer display dates in European style instead of American style. o The Time Style and Sum Style preferences have been simplified by converting them into pop-up lists. o A text field has been added immediately above the schedule. It displays the date currently selected in the schedule. For the day view, this is simply the date of the view. For the week, month, and year views, it is the date of the day selected in the view. o Week and day numbers have been added. In addition to the date displayed above the schedule, the week and day number of that date are also included. The week number is calculated by using the week in which January 1 occurs as week #1. The beginning of the week is whatever day you've selected for it in preferences. You can also jump directly to a particular week or day number using the Jump To panel. o All of the places where dates can be set now allow the new date to be typed in directly, in addition to the old way of using the arrow buttons. o The week view now uses the short form of weekday names if there isn't enough room to display the long form. o The separate Sum Style preference for the Time Report has been removed. Now the Time Report simply uses the general Sum Style preference. o Pressing the enter key (the one on the keypad) while an item in a to-do list is selected causes a new item to be created. This is useful if there is no room in the list to type a new item. This same method also works for the Tasks list. o Deleting an item's name directly on the schedule, to-do list, or Tasks list now deletes the item itself. o Memory usage has been better organized using zones. You may see a little less swapping if you don't have a lot of memory. o The Info Panel has been made spiffy. Bug fixed: o Items which were typed directly into a to-do list would disappear after being entered if the list's filter was not set to "All To-Do's". Now the filter is automatically changed to "All To-Do's" when a new item is typed in directly. These new features and fixed bugs are also described in Chronographer's release notes. Choose the Info-->Release Notes command to see them. AVAILABILITY ============ Chronographer is distributed in multiple packages: one quad-fat package and four single-architecture packages, one for each of the four hardware platforms supported by NEXTSTEP. In addition, the new languages Chronographer is available in are distributed in separate packages. You can download Chronographer from its web page at The page lists the sites where Chronographer is available. Just click on the site nearest you. The release is binary-only and includes software for NeXT, Intel, HP-PA, and SPARC hardware. It will run on NEXTSTEP versions 3.2 and later and on all versions of OPENSTEP for Mach. Chronographer is a commercial product. However, you are welcome to try it for free for 60 days. During that time it will be fully functional. If you wish to continue using it after that time, you'll need to purchase a license for US$40 per user. DESCRIPTION =========== Chronographer is an application designed to help you to organize not only your time but also your priorities in life. Instead of just keeping track of appointments, Chronographer also keeps track of the goals that these appointments further, so you can easily determine if what you are doing today is helping you to accomplish what you want to do this week, this month, this year, and this decade. Instead of just asking yourself, "What needs to be done and when do I need to do it?", Chronographer encourages you to first ask, "What do I want to accomplish in life?" and then ask, "What do I need to do in order to achieve these goals?" Chronographer focuses on the long term as well as the short term. Chronographer's time-management concepts are based, in part, on principles developed by Stephen R. Covey and presented in his books _The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People_ and _First Things First_. Chronographer helps you to organize your life by establishing a hierarchy of roles and goals. Out of these roles and goals appointments are scheduled. Chronographer allows you to set a time budget for each role or goal, and it provides you with instant summaries of how much time you've actually spent on each item. It also provides a detailed report of how you've spent your time. FEATURES ======== o A browser to organize your activities by grouping them into roles and goals. o Schedules for keeping track of appointments. Day, week, month, and year schedule views are available. In the day and week schedules, appointments are displayed in colored boxes. Schedule detail can be set to one line for every 60, 30, 15, or 5 minutes. In the month view, a filter can be used to intelligently control which appointments and to-do items are displayed. o To-do lists for keeping track of appointments that don't have specific times associated with them. Each day, week, month, and year has its own to-do list. To-do items can be filtered so that only certain groups of them are displayed. o A button bar for selecting nearby dates, making navigation easy and fast. o Repeating appointments. They can repeat every day, week, month, or year or a multiple of those periods. o Appointment reminders using either a panel, email, or sound. o A time report that lists, in detail, how you spent your time. This could be a useful tool for consultants who need to keep track of how much time they spend on each of their projects. It could also be useful for employees who have to report their time usage to their managers. o Easy drag-and-drop interface. Once you type in an appointment's title, you never have to type it in again. Just drag the appointment to a schedule or to-do list to schedule it. Alternatively, you can just click on a schedule and type in an appointment. Appointment durations can be changed by dragging the edges of the appointment. Appointments can be moved easily by dragging them to another location on the schedule or to another day's schedule or to a to-do list.