WELCOME TO PRODUCTIONPARTNER 1.75 ProductionPartner is a professional tool for harddisk-recording, playing, editing, and archiving of high quality (CD) sounds. You can rearrange, cut, paste, and edit sounds. Sounds can be collected in archives (called playlists), which are units within ProductionPartner. PRODUCTIONPARTNER Via documents (list of sounds) you can easily administrate sounds or search and find text marks. In addition to the sound data, ProductionPartner stores additional information (e.g., the author's name or any other comments) in .rtfd format. By the way sound files can be located on other machines within a network; the sounds will be linked or copied. Using ProductionPartner you can include graphics, videos, or pictures in your audio archive just like in a multimedia archive. A comfortable sound editor permits displaying and cutting of sounds, level changes and other effects. BroadcastPartner: We also offer an extention to ProductionPartner called BroadcastPartner, which offers an automation of radio broadcasts. Further extension to ProductionPartner to distribute music through networks for music production and publication firms is under development, and other special solutions are available from RCN. For further information please contact RCN. Special features of ProductionPartner compared with other sound applications available for NEXTSTEP: * ProductionPartner is the only NEXTSTEP application which enables you to record sounds in CD quality (44.1 kHz, stereo) on Intel hardware * ProductionPartner records AND plays directly from your hard disk, so your swap disk will not grow, even when working with very large audio files. Therefore ProductionPartner doesn't need much more memory to play big sounds. * ProductionPartner can play audio files longer even longer than six minutes. RCN has located and bypassed a bug in the NEXTSTEP operating system which normally prevents playing such sounds (most other sound applications cannot do this). * ProductionPartner has a time bar to jump to any position within a sound or sound list WITHOUT delay during playback even using very large sounds! You can do this with a single mouse click. * The ProductionPartner editor supports reduction factors less than 1.0, so you can zoom in as far as you want! Moreover, it's much faster than most other sound editors, and it uses less memory. * ProductionPartner offers you a frontend for making backups of your sound library on a streamer or other devices (in tar format). Support for NeXT Computer and Intel-based NEXTSTEP systems is available now. ProductionPartner is available for SUN and HP workstations, too. Since version 1.75 ProductionPartner is a shareware program. Shareware means that all functions in ProductionPartner are enabled and works without any license string. Shareware doesn't mean that this application is free of charge. You can test ProductionPartner for free but if you start to use it regularly or earn money with ProductionPartner you have to pay a charge of $50 USD. Please send us a cheque or remit the $50 to: Realtime Computing and Nets KTO 526 014 105 BLZ 100 100 10 (PostGiro Berlin/Germany) For other ways of payment please contact RCN directly. You can find the newest version at the following internet locations: ftp://ftp.rcn.de/rcn/next ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/new/audio/apps/commercial ftp://peanuts.leo.org/pub/comp/platforms/next/Commercial/audio ftp://ftp.peak.org/pub/next/demos/sound A copy of ProductionPartner is also available on Peanuts CDROM and NeXT Third Party CDROM, but these may not me the newest version. Realtime Computing and Nets (RCN) Flotowstraûe 2 D - 12203 Berlin Germany TEL + 49 30 8340107 FAX + 49 30 8340108 EMAIL info@rcn.de WWW http://www.rcn.de FTP ftp://ftp.rcn.de/rcn RELEASE NOTES 1.75 - ProductionPartner becomes shareware - Minor bug fixes 1.72 - New sound inspector added - Minor bug fixes 1.70 - Completly reengineered memory sound management and significant optimizations - Better display performance in the sound editor, especially for work in high resolution - Redesigned and colored icons - New "Delete" menu entry - Improved check if user's action is plausible - Some minor bugs were fixed ABOUT RCN Realtime Computing and Nets (RCN) was founded in 1989 by engineers who worked on research problems at the Technical University of Berlin; among others the research areas of RCN are acoustics, sound engineering, broadcast and radio management systems, audio and video database systems, digital signal processing, instrumentation, communication, satellite, and navigation systems. PRODUCTS PC boards and interface cards for instrumentation and digital signal processing (DSP) in audio/video, acoustics, signal analysis and system analysis, synthesis control and measurement, neural networks. NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP systems and products. SUN, HP, Silicon Graphics, Apple, PC Intel (DOS/Windows) Systems. SYSTEM CONSULTING AND SERVICE Development of hard- and software according to industry needs and standards at customers request. Consulting and distribution of DSP hardware and software. NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP support, Unix heterogeneous nets, and system administration. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DSP cards, signal i/o interfaces, software and developer tools, developments on customers' demands, DSP application software SOLUTIONS FOR NETWORK COMPUTING Internet services (World Wide Web, ISDN) System integration, multimedia databases APPLICATION AREAS Communication service and support, audio and video signal processing, data base applications, system engineering and control SPECIAL INTEREST Development of hardware and software for DSP (digital signal processing), DSP boards, multiprocessor systems, instrumentation solutions, audio and video for multimedia applications, communication, ISDN systems and installation, acoustic design. With compentence and expert knowledge RCN succeeds in INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS in the following areas: Digital signal processing and system development, software and hardware for audio processing, measurement and instrumentation, radio, broadcast and professional music applications. Copyright (c) 1997 RCN Realtime Computing and Nets. All brand names mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners.