Welcome to NeanderCam! Description NeanderCam is a graphical still-image capture application for NeXTSTEP. The current version of NeanderCam comes with a driver for the _Connectix_ gray-scale QuickCam camera (parallel port version.) Features · Uses run-time loaded driver bundles. Allows easy expansion to new camera types. · Allows you to connect to cameras on any machine on your network. Use two cameras and two copies of NeanderCam for primitive video conferencing. · Captures images as TIFF files. · Drag and drop TIFF images straight from the viewfinder into other apps. · High frame rates. We get 10fps in small image mode on a 486DX2-66. Here are some sample _images_ captured using NeanderCam and the driver for the Connectix QuickCam. Status and Availability NeanderCam Beta 1.1 is currently available! A driver for the parallel port version of the gray-scale QuickCam is also available for Intel-based machines. Please _download_ the beta version and play with it. We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions on how to improve NeanderCam. The current version will expire at the end of June. By then, we hope to have a full-fledged version available or at least a new beta version that will run for a bit longer. Drivers for other cameras are in the works and will be announced as they become available. NeanderCam runs on NeXTSTEP 3.3. NeanderCam and the drivers have not been tested on OpenStep 4.X yet. While we can't guarantee that it will work, it may work. We encourage you to try it while we set up our OpenStep machines. Let us know what happens if you try it. Pricing NeanderCam.app is free! Beta versions of the drivers are also free! Of course, this does not include the camera itself. You have to supply your own camera. More Information For more information send e-mail to _neandercam@neander.com_