README.txt - NXFax README file, May 29, 1997 I. OVERVIEW OF NXFAX NXFax is a reliable, high speed, fax solution which integrates perfectly with NEXTSTEP on Motorola and Intel based computers. Anything you can print you can fax just by pressing the Fax button on the Print Panel. You read, log, assign, and archive your faxes with the NEXTSTEP FaxReader. NXFax works with your favorite data communications programs like UUCP, SLIP, PPP, tip, Kermit, and Microphone. NXFax offers the following features: * sends and receives faxes under NEXTSTEP * adaptive answering directs incoming fax and data calls * shares serial port with other applications * compatible with tip, UUCP, SLIP, MicroPhone, PPP, and other communications programs * accessible via networked machines * communicates with the NXFax Monitor to provide user-level feedback * demo mode allows unlimited single page sending of faxes The NXFax Monitor application offers: * transmission status displays: current modem state remote connection identifier connect speed fax resolution pixels per scan line inter-scan line delay * halt button terminates transmissions * monitoring of networked fax drivers * animated icon * user preferences control automatic launch * includes extensive on-line help ==================================================================== II. PURCHASING NXFAX A. SHAREWARE NOTICE NXFax is a shareware application. This means you may use the software only after you have sent payment directly to Black & White Software. You may use NXFax in demo mode as long as you like. You may fully enable NXFax to determine if it works properly on your system and with your modem, but if you continue to use it you must send payment (see below). B. HOW TO SEND PAYMENT Please send a check for $69 (U.S. funds) for each copy of NXFax that you are using or send your credit card number and expiration date to: Black & White Software, Inc. Bridge Street Marketplace Waitsfield, VT 05673-1210 USA Please indicate how many copies of NXFax you are using. If you send a credit card number we will charge your card in the amount of $69 (U.S. funds) for each copy you are using. We can accept VISA, Mastercard and American Express. If you are a corporate or educational customer with credit terms with Black & White Software we regret that Purchase Orders are no longer accepted. You must either send a check or credit card information. C. DEMO You can test NXFax before you decide to purchase. Without a password, NXFax runs in demo mode allowing you to send (but not receive) any number of single page faxes. D. PASSWORD A password is required to fully enable your copy of NXFax. If you have paid for your copy of NXFax, please use the following password: 5e 1d 7f 84 53 d9 3f 33 ==================================================================== III. SUPPORTED MODEMS AND REQUIRMENTS This version of NXFax is in Multi-Architecture Format so that it works with NEXTSTEP on both NeXT and Intel hardware. NEXTSTEP 3.1 (or later) is required to use NXFax 1.04. At the time of this writing NXFax worked with OPENSTEP 4.1. Below is a list of Class 2 modems that have been tested with NXFax 1.04 to date. Boca Research - Boca 14.4, BocaModem 28.8 Diamond - SupraSonic 288 V+ MultiTech - MT1432BA, MT1932ZDX Neuron - 1414 with ZyXEL ROM upgrade Practical Peripherals - FXSA, FXMT, FXPKT *Supra - SupraFAX 14.4 v32.bis, SupraFAX 288 Telebit - WorldBlazer, T3000 Zoom - VFX, 28.8 ZyXEL - all U-1496 models, Omni 288S, Elite 2864 Note that NXFax does not support Class 1 modems. *Note that the SupraExpress 288 modem is not a class 2 modem and does not work with NXFax. Modems that use the Rockwell chip set may not work properly on Intel systems running NEXTSTEP 3.3 with older serial drivers. These modems include Boca, Practical Peripherals, Supra and Zoom. To avoid any problems with these modems please be sure you are using the latest releases (3.33) of the NeXT serial drivers. ==================================================================== IV. NXFAX INSTALLATION After retrieving NXFax1.04.tar perform the following steps to install NXFax: 1. To unpack NXFax1.04.tar, type "tar xvf NXFax1.04.tar" in a terminal window. This command will create the application wrapper in the current directory. 2. Turn on your modem and log in as root. 3. Launch the NXFax Installer by double clicking on 4. Choose Info from the Installer menu. Choose Help from the Info menu. 5. NXFax 1.04 users should read "The Basics" to familiarize themselves with NXFax's on-line help. Click on the topic "Installing NXFax" and follow the instructions there. ==================================================================== V. TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND NXFAX HELP ADDENDUM An up-to-date Help Addendum is available via ftp at the same locations as NXFax (see below). It covers virtually every technical problem and question we have seen during the past several years. This is the only technical support available. Please do not contact us with technical questions. ==================================================================== VI. INFORMATION FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS A. LOST PASSWORDS If you need to reinstall NXFax and cannot locate your password, please use the password in section II.D. above. You must be running version 1.04 of NXFax and have NEXTSTEP 3.1 or later. If you are running 1.02 or 1.03 you must download version 1.04 and upgrade before you can use the password above. B. TRANSFERRING NXFAX TO ANOTHER MACHINE You may use your existing password if you need to reinstall on a different machine. C. SELLING YOUR COPY OF NXFAX You may sell or transfer your copy of NXFax to another user provided you remove the software from your computer. D. UPGRADING FROM AN OLDER VERSION OF NXFAX If you have version 1.02 or 1.03 and need to reinstall you may use your existing password. However, if you cannot locate your 1.02 or 1.03 password you will need to upgrade to 1.04 and use the password in section II.D. above. Upgrades to NXFax 1.04 are free for registered customers. No 1.02 or 1.03 passwords are available. ==================================================================== VII. WHERE TO GET NXFAX AND THE HELP ADDENDUM * Via WWW You can find NXFax and the Help Addendum at the following Web sites: * Via FTP NXFax can be obtained at The files are: NXFax.1.04.tar NXFax.1.04.README NXFax.1.04.HelpAddendum.txt