FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Don Yacktman (801)221-0344 ANNOUNCING THE RELEASE OF THE MISCKIT VERSION 1.10.0 Update to Kit of Free Objective-C Objects Is Now Available PROVO, UT, July 28, 1997 -- A new release of the MiscKit has been made publically available. It contains many new objects and fixes all problems reported since the previous release. This is the NEXTSTEP version of the kit! A new release of the OPENSTEP version is expected soon. The MiscKit may be obtained via ftp to one of the following locations: There is a quad fat binary release accompanying this release: The site always has the most recent official MiscKit distribution available in /pub/next/misckit with all previous versions archived in /pub/next/misckit/old. The MiscKit is an easy to install kit consisting of Objective-C objects, Interface Builder palettes, bundles, and other useful programming resources. All the resources in the MiscKit have been donated by various Internet personalities for the benefit of other NEXTSTEP programmers. Objects include data structures (string, tree, stack, queue, priority queue, linked list), interface widgets (find panel, textfield, button and slider subclasses, clock and calendar views, icon wells, progress pie/bar), macros, other useful objects (lock file, log file, time, stopwatch, serial port, colors, subprocess, remote subprocess, file), frameworks for building complex interfaces (MiscMergeKit, MiscInspectorKit, InfoMenuKit) and even some useful example much more! To make the MiscKit more attractive to developers, use of the MiscKit resources is absolutely free of charge, no matter how the resources are used. Redistribution of the MiscKit is also encouraged. Many developers are reluctant to use objects which are under the GNU "Copyleft". As a result, the MiscKit has its own license which allows developers to reuse the code freely, even in commercial projects. Everything possible has been done to encourage the use of the MiscKit to speed development efforts. Any developer who has generally useful objects, palettes, or other programming resources and would like to donate them to the MiscKit effort is welcome to do so. Contact Don Yacktman at for information on how to prepare a MiscKit submission. By making a submission to the MiscKit, a developer can avoid the hassles of packaging up a formal distribution of their resources and in turn help add to a growing centralized pool of useful resources. The misckit mailing lists are temporarily out of order and we hope to have them up and working at a new site soon. Until then, inquiries and subscription requests should be made to If you request a subscription, be sure to specify whether you wish to be part of the development discussion or only receive MiscKit-based press releases. When the mailing lists are once again up and running, a press release will be sent out to and let everyone know about the changes in addresses and any other important details. Please note that the creation of the "" domain does NOT mean that the MiscKit is "going commercial" in any way--it will always be free and open as it has been in the past. Nothing has changed and NO special significance should be read into the use of ".com" instead of ".org". The MiscKit has evolved from the DAYMiscKit and several objects released over the past few years by Don Yacktman and other USENET personalities. Don Yacktman Don Yacktman is an alumnus of Brigham Young University, with a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He acts as the MiscKit administrator in his spare time between various NEXTSTEP and Unix consulting projects. # # # # All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. The MiscKit is in no way affiliated with Brigham Young University. Changes since version 1.9.0: V1.10.0 7/28/97 Maintenance and update release: Enhancements and bug fixes to MiscString, HTMLText, MiscTableScroll, LazyScrollDir, ScrollDir, MiscMatrix, MiscSplitView, MiscProgressView, MiscTextExtensions, MiscTreeBrowser, MiscParseTable, and the makefiles. Bug fixes to MiscTime. Moved MiscFormField and MiscTilingButton into kit from Temp area. Addition of MiscHeadedMatrix, MiscDragScrollWindow classes and MiscDragScrollWindow example. Addition of ThreadedApp, TCPLib, ClassBuilder (fix n' go), ColorMerge palette, MiscImageDissolver palette, and Julia example to Temp area. [ Additional details about the bug fixes and additions can be found in the MiscKit's History.rtf file or at the kit's web site, ]