*** CAPer Version 8 - Instant Appletalk connectivity for NeXTSTEP/OpenStep based on the Columbia Appletalk Package (CAP) pl198 and afpmount 1.7. (for Copyright see the CAPer Information Panel) 'Milestone' Release - considered quite free of bugs and tested (still no warranty of any kind!) This packet needs root permissions to install and run. It will install itself SUID at the first run but will ask you for the root password on every startup. CAPer can be used free of charge, however certain restrictions apply. Please read the Licence agreement in the Information panel. All trademarks, icons and images are used for identification purpose only and remain property of their owners. The author would appreciate to receive a bottle of Scotch Whisky if you really like this software, however you are not obliged in any way. I'd like to thank all people out there who made this package possible. YOU ARE USING THIS SOFTWARE ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO WARRANTY. Supported hardware: m68k (NS3.[123], OS4.x) , intel (NS3.3, OS4.x) Some network drivers are known to fail under NS/OS Intel, see the CAPer URL for more information. CAPer.V8.I.b.tar.gz is the INTEL only version CAPer.V8.N.b.tar.gz is the M68K only version There is no FAT version. This is a revised version of the CAPer package which replaces the V6 release, V7 was only a beta test version, if you run any CAPer release below V8 please upgrade as this release now fixes most bugs and shortcomings. (Still there is no file locking - not much I can do about it, as it seems to be broken in NS) If you upgrade from a V6 release, please keep in mind that your setup files will be overwritten too. Before base installing you can save your setup: - Exported fileystems /usr/local/lib/cap/afpvols - Exported printers /usr/local/cap/start-print-servers /usr/local/lib/cap/lwsrv_*.conf - Imported printers (local Appletalk printers) /usr/local/cap/*.sh If you upgrade from a V4 or lesser release you have to remade your setup using the GUI tools. Do not try to use your old scripts in this case! Please connect to http://www.this.net/~frank/next_cap.html for the latest versions, information and some hints on setting up CAPer. As usually all trademarks mentioned in this text or the CAPer software, all trademarked symbols and everything else trademarked in any way belong to their respective owners and are used for identification purpose only. Frank Siegert, frank@this.net