PixelMagician DEMO V1.2 New features: Added support to read .FAX and .DCX files. Added support for viewing multi-page/multi-rep formats: .PS, .DCX, .FAX, .TIFF Fixed PICT 1bit b/w bug. Fixed IFF aspect ratio bug. Fixed bug in Image Inspector. Fixed bug reading Targa files with Image ID length > 0. Fixed Convert window source browser size calc field. Important Notes! - If you have been using a previous version of Pixel Magician you MUST delete the .PixelMagician file located in your home directory. This can be done before or after you install demo v1.2. - You may need to manually delete the old PixelMagician.app/PixelMagician before the Installer application will work properly. - After installing the package, the owner must register the program. Other users will not have the permissions necessary to register the program. This means if you install the package as root, then you must run the program once as root to register it. Other users cannot register a program belonging to root. They will not have the necessary write permission. - Saving and converting have been disabled for this DEMO version. The word "Pixel Magician" is also composited on all images. PIXEL MAGICIAN - THE UNIVERSAL PICTURE FILE VIEWER & TRANSLATOR Introducing Pixel Magician, the universal picture file viewer and translator for NeXT computers. Pixel Magician gives your NeXT free reign in the world of computer graphics because it converts to and from all the popular file formats. Pixel Magician lets you view graphic files in other formats, import them and treat them as if they were created on your NeXT. Or export pictures created on NeXT to other platforms in the appropriate file format, color map and bit depth. Use the convert window to quickly browse or preview any picture. Convert entire directories by simply dragging and dropping. The Image Inspector allows you to control the color-space, palette selections, bit depth and dithering method for any image. With the Scaling Inspector you can precisely control the dimensions of each image. Industry standard formats such as TIFF, Targa and GIF are all fully supported. We've even extended the NeXT's ability to handle more varieties of TIFF files. It works seamlessly through the NeXT Services menu to bring non-native file formats directly into your page layout, word processing, drawing, painting and imaging applications. Features: - Wildcard conversion - Drag/Drop - Miniwindow thumbnails - Scaling/Resampling - Rotating - Screen grabbing - Error diffusion dithering - Multiple bit depths - Alpha support - Supports viewing of multi-page/multi-rep image formats. Formats: - JPEG (JFIF) - TIFF - DCX - FAX - EPS - PICT (Raster only) - Targa - PCX - Windows BMP - Sun Raster - GIF - IFF/ILBM - MacPaint - XBM/XWD - MTV and others BACCHUS, INC. 2210 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 330 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Tel: 310/820-9145 Fax: 310/820-5930 NeXTMail: info@bacchus.com (c) Copyright 1991-1992 Bacchus, Inc. All rights reserved. Pixel Magician is a trademark of Bacchus, Inc. NeXT is a trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without notice.