This document accompanies the FTP release of PasteUp 2.6. It contains FTP download instructions and installation instructions. Please read this document in its entirety before using PasteUp 2.6, even if you're the kind of person who doesn't believe in instructions. You'll thank us later. PasteUp 2.6 FTP instructions This document describes what is available so you can decide in advance what to get from the FTP site. It is assumed you are already familiar with FTP procedures. If you have any trouble downloading or installing the application, please contact AFS by email at, by phone at +1-215-653-0911, or by fax at +1-215-653-0711. PasteUp 2.6 is stored on in the /software/NeXT/demos/graphics directory. We have tried to provide flexibility in how much you need to download, without making the installation process overly time-consuming or burdensome. Items marked 'Mandatory' below must be downloaded and installed in order for PasteUp to work correctly. Items marked 'Optional' only need to be downloaded if your site requires them, based on hardware architectures and other word processors in use. PasteUp.README - This document. Describes what to download and how to install it. PasteUp.tar - The PasteUp application: Motorola and Intel binaries, on-line help system, and import bundle. 3.7MB, mandatory. PasteUpHPPA.tar - The PasteUp HPPA binary, if you also want to run PasteUp on HPPA hardware. 1MB, optional. PasteUpSPARC.tar - The PasteUp SPARC binary, if you also want to run PasteUp on SPARC hardware. 820K, optional. PasteUp_NS3.0.tar - If you are still running NEXTSTEP 3.0, this overlay package is mandatory, because NS3.0 cannot load FAT dynamic bundles. 125K. AFSDocumentFilter_Main.pkg.tar (NEXTSTEP 3.1 or later) or AFSDocumentFilter_Main_3.0.pkg.tar (NEXTSTEP 3.0) - optional only if you plan on importing foreign document types other than ascii, rtf and rtfd - see /software/NeXT/demos/productivity/AFSDocumentFilter.README Installing PasteUp 2.6 from FTP tar files To provide consistency with disk-based installations, the FTP files are simply tarred versions of the packages supplied on physical media. After downloading all of the packages to a temporary directory like /tmp, you need to untar them with the Workspace File->Decompress option. This action will turn them into packages. The rest of this document describes the order in which the pieces should be installed, plus preferred installation locations. PasteUp.pkg - This package must be installed in a 'visible' applications location, like /LocalApps or ~/Apps. If you are already using a copy of PasteUp 2.5 or earlier, be sure you have a good backup (or access to the original disks) before installing this package over the old version. PasteUp.pkg contains Motorola and Intel binaries. If you only need one architecture, you can use Installer to strip out the one you don't need. PasteUpHPPA.pkg and PasteUpSPARC.pkg - If you need a tri-FAT or quad-FAT version in a networked environment, install these packages after PasteUp.pkg. You must be logged in as the same user who installed PasteUp.pkg, because these packages change files inside the wrapper. The installation path is /[main_path]/, where [main_path] is the folder in which you installed You will get a warning that the package contains a post-installation script; this is normal and must be allowed. (SEE NOTE at end of installation instructions) PasteUp_NS3.0.pkg - If you are still running NEXTSTEP 3.0, you MUST install this overlay package after the main app. NS3.0 does not understand how to load dynamic bundles with multi-architecture binaries ('FAT' files). This package replaces a few FAT bundles inside with thin versions. You must be logged in as the same user who installed PasteUp.pkg, because this package change files inside the wrapper. The installation path is /[main_path]/, where [main_path] is the folder in which you installed (SEE NOTE at end of installation instructions) Language dictionaries - If you previously installed a language dictionary in PasteUp 2.5 or earlier, at this point you should find that disk and reinstall it. The FTP site does not have foreign dictionary packages at this time. If you need a foreign language dictionary, contact AFS and we will send it to you directly. This completes the basic installation process. Now, to ensure that Workspace picks up all the new filter services, logout and log back in. If you will be registering a site license, you must log back in as the user who installed the application. Launch and wait for the registration panel. If you don't have a license key, you can ignore this panel and run in demo mode, which will disable saving and printing. Otherwise, enter your name, company, and license key in the fields on the license panel. If the key is valid, the panel will provide details of the license entitlements. The app is ready to run! NOTE:(for packages that get installed into When installing into a location other than the default, you should make sure the install path contains as the last branch of the path. If you set the path by clicking the set button you will need to select and add a forward slash (/) before finishing your selection.