Autotracer Avant Vector
This is the Multi Architecture Binary (MAB) of Avant Vector V2.1.
Avant Vector is an autotracer for NeXT computers. It converts color
TIFF bitmaps to high quality EPS graphics, which can be exchanged
editable with Adobe Illustrator and Altsys Virtuoso. Many editing
functions are provided. Features of the pixel editor are recognizing
main colors, Tolerant Fill, color dragging and drawing. The graphic
editor includes tools like Perspective, Intersection Points, Outline
and Join (contour of intersecting objects).
The file AvantVector-2.1-MAB.tar (417792 bytes) contains the package:
AvantVector.pkg : Demo version of Avant Vector 2.1 (MAB,NS3.1)
(unlockable to full version, see Info Panel)
The file AvantIntro2.0.pkg.compressed (1379959 bytes) contains postscript
introduction and example documents (for version 2.0).
The older file AutotracerAvantVector.tar (794624 bytes) contains:
AvantVector.pkg : Demo version of Avant Vector 2.0 (NS2.1)
(unlockable to full version, see Info Panel)
AvantIntro.pkg : WriteNow Introduction and example documents
If you want further information, please contact:
Dominion Technologies, Ltd.
P.O. Box 3897
College Station, TX 77840