Phone Version 3.5 ================= Phone is a personal information manager used to keep addresses, or generic information in a nice, clean format. It supports NeXT .address files, flat files, user defined font, and background color, automatic phone dialing (through modem and speaker), email window opening, and quite a few other cool things. Thanks go to our beta testers, Helmut Heller, Steve Hayman and Hanspeter Schaub for their unrelenting testing and excellent suggestions. Thanks go to our users for their support and suggestions. Thanks go to Todd Thomas for his programming efforts. You can get it from: ftp://ftp.cs.orst.edn/pub/next/submissions/Phone-3.5.mihs.tar.gz - darcy New for 3.5 ----------- (1) Main browser now updates when the main window changes, or a record is added or removed. (2) Don't allow the user to choose encryption when using .address files. (3) Can now change the color of text object even if it is first responder. (4) NS Help. (5) Double clicking on documents that are already open only make them the main window (without opening a second copy as before). (6) Dropped in the newest MiscString classes (MiscKit 1.5.0). I didn't replace MiscDictionary since nothing had changed and someone as HASC added some custom methods. (7) Umlat problem tracked down and fixed. (Was in the MiscKit). (8) Browser used to screw up what the .address phonebooks thought was the current document and display the wrong one when you went to modify or delete an entry. (9) When you log off and you have unsaved phonebooks, Phone now asks if you would like to save them. (10) Direct editing of plain text files. Preference to disallow it. (11) Added many services. Check out Tools->Services and Services->Phone. (12) Grayed the encryption button on .address phonebooks. (13) Now can export .address files to plain text. See Phonebooks->Export. (14) Next/Previous buttons will now repeat (if set in preferences). (15) Command-m to modify is now a preference (no by default) (16) You can use alt-up/down to scroll the main text view. I suppose I should allow the editing text object to do the same thing. (17) New phonebooks will no longer keep incrementing themselves right off the screen. (18) Phone will now autosave all unsaved phonebooks (if set in preferences). (19) New and different Preferences panel. (20) Browser now grays out any letters that have no entries. (21) Many other minor bug fixes. (22) Changed the modify key equivalent in preferences to take effect immediately. (23) If "Modify" is clicked and current record is being edited (direct edit) the record will first be reformated. Same with saving, viewing plain text. (24) Bug with "Dial using Modem" on the preferences panel was fixed. (25) A couple of serial ports added for intel users who may have more than two ports. Phone Version 3.4 ================= Several powerful features were added in version 3.4, with more planned for 3.5. Version 3.4 features a rewrite of the recognition engine to use regular expressions. This means that the user can customize Phone to recognize patterns and hook them onto service menu items. For instance, support for WWW was added to version 3.4 by writing adding these two lines to "pattern.tbl" and "action.tbl" underneath the .app directory: # action:path-to-bitmap:what-kind-of-action:additional-info url:url.bmp:service:SpiderWoman/Open URL ... /* pattern.tbl: URL (ie., or */ "[^ \t]+:/[/]?[^ \t]+" = "url"; So, a user can now add their own data types, and what should happen when their associated button is clicked. For example, when the URL pattern is found by Phone, it will insert a button, using "url.bmp" to draw the button (a .bmp is just an ASCII file). When the button is clicked, the action table instructs phone to call the service menu under SpiderWoman/Open URL. If the user prefers OmniWeb, they can easily add their own action.tbl under Phone's preferences. They can then edit this action.tbl (with their favorite text editor) and have this action.tbl contain the line: url:url.bmp:service:OmniWeb/Open URL This will override the default action for the "url" pattern. Similarly, users can override the default "mail" action: email:email.bmp:mail:Mail with: email:email.bmp:mail:Eloquent Which will cause Eloquent to be used when you click on a mail icon. The format of the "bmp" files is simple, and is used to allow the user to pick their own color schemes dynamically (by command-clicking on the icon in question). A .bmp file is 14 columns by 11 rows. For example, the handset icon used to hook onto phone numbers looks like this: _________lddb_ ________lddddb _______ldldddb ______lddbldb_ _____lddb__b__ ____lddb______ ___lddb_______ ___lddb_______ ___ldddb______ ___lldb_______ ____lb________ The codes mean: '_' or ' ': transparent 'l' : computer-calculated light shade 'd' : dark shade chosen by user 'b' : black Feel free to download Phone and use it. It's a shareware program, and costs a measly ten bucks. It's well worth it! Phone contains, by default, patterns to recognize North American phone numbers, and some European phone numbers. The German patterns are commented out, as they will also recognize zip codes as phone numbers (because they can both be five digits). If you need German phone numbers recognized, just uncomment the patterns. Other new features in 3.4 ========================= (1) Fixed a bug which would cause the program to crash when reverting an UNTITLED document. (2) Dynamic searching. Searches can narrow each time you type an additional character. (3) Record tracking in title bar [current record / total records]. (4) Cleared up the confusing "Modify" button. (5) Fixed the wacky "Confirm" panel. (6) Preserving last open record for reference on re-open. (7) New Recognition Engine -- 5x faster, and user extensible via regular expressions!!! (8) Minor bug fixes. (9) Browser, like in Jargon (10) Fixed "View Plain Text" (11) Command-click an icon to change its color. (12) To debug regular expressions, do dwrite Phone DebugRegex YES (13) Displaying "Info" in .address files ### ### Revision History ### NEW IN VERSION 3.3 ================== The latest is ready for public consumption. Phone is a cheap (but neat) shareware address book manager. There's some pretty powerful features in it, but I'm just going to list the "diff" from the last version here. (1) Compiled 4xfat (not tested on HP or SPARC) (2) Extensive use of HKEmacsText for emacs keybindings everywhere. (3) Hayes modem dialing support. Hurray. Thank Helmut for bugging me until I did it ;-). Helmut is in Germany, where he was unable to do tone dialing, so this should work fine for other Germans, if not Eurpopean phone systems in general. (4) Service advertising for the full entry... so if you want to put something into, you just need jump right to the services menu without having to do a select-all first. (5) Fixed pasteboard bug (the Text object graphics handling workarounds I wrote were placing NULL characters on the pasteboard for graphics, and most other apps don't like that...) (6) Worked around a Text object bug in which it decides the first paragraph starts at (-1) instead of (0). (7) Added UUCP locking to modem dialing. (8) Added font setting... you can change the font family used to display addresses on a per-window basis through the font panel.... finally. If you have "Gill" try using Gill-Italic. It looks very nice. (9) Fixed a bug in which the color didn't properly reset under revert. That's it. Try em out. Buy 'em if you like 'em. Phone is $10.00 and you'll not find a better deal under NEXTSTEP. Well, except for the GNU compiler and debugger. And Carl Edman + friends' port of Emacs. Still, this is a good deal :-). NEW IN VERSION 3.1d =================== This is the latest (3.1-beta) version of There's quite a few fixes implemented, along with some suggestions. There's more to come later... the most notable improvements include: 3.1d: - Fixed the MiscKit stuff that wasn't handling 8bit characters properly. - Also, translates RTF in the address book files to ASCII. You'll lose any special formatting you've done, but oh well. 3.1c: - numerous bug fixes - PDA access (downloading and uploading phonebooks) - password protection - faster phone dialing - dialing prefixes (comma for pause) - support for NeXT address book files Feel free to download this. For those of you that don't know, Phone is a neat little address book manager, which will work on flat-file plain text, of near-arbitrary format ;-). It's shareware, with a $10 fee. The Sharp Wizard downloading bundle is an extra $20.00. There's also an API available if you want to implement your own PDA downloading/uploading bundle. Contact me for info about the API. I'll only give the API out to registered users, so expect that response if you've not registered the app ;-). - darcy