CedarWord Version 1.1 April 6, 1997 What is CedarWord? ================== CedarWord is an easy-to-use WYSIWYG word processor that has been designed to perform the basic functions of a word processor quickly and effectively. It handles large documents effortlessly, always keeping the user informed of the document status. CedarWord uses the standard Rich Text Format (RTF) as its native file format, ensuring easy transfer of documents with all popular word processors on other platforms. CedarWord utilises user definable document templates and hierarchical styles to enable documents to be created quickly and with a consistent layout. Documents may have header and footer text, incorporate graphics which may be resized, and include page number and time/date variables. All the normal paragraph and character formatting features are provided through an easy to use inspector. CedarWord provides the standard NEXTSTEP spell checking facility and full find and replace functionality. CedarWord offers a comprehensive formatting bar and user definable preferences which include a facility to define command key equivalents for all menu operations. Utilising the TeX hyphenation algorithm and standard TeX hyphenation files, this will be one word processor that you will leave automatic hyphenation turned on! Installing CedarWord ==================== The following steps assume that you are installing CedarWord from a compressed file archive named CedarWord.1.1.NIHS.b.tar.gz; if the file name is different, substitute as appropriate in the instructions below. If you are registering CedarWord with a multi-user license, login as root to install CedarWord. In the following description, commands that you should type are displayed within single quotes. 1 Login. 2 Launch the Terminal.app application and open a new shell window by selecting New from the Shell submenu. 3 Type 'gunzip ' in the Terminal window and then drag and drop the compressed file archive into the Terminal window. Depending on the location of the archive file, you will see something like the following in the Terminal window: gunzip /tmp/CedarWord.1.1.NIHS.b.tar.gz now press return to decompress the file archive. When complete you can close the Terminal window. 4 From the File Viewer, you will see that the file is now named CedarWord.1.1.NIHS.b.tar. Double click the file icon to display the Archive Inspector panel. Click the Unarchive button on the panel. 5 When complete, there will be a new folder which contains the CedarWord application and a README file. The README file contains installation instructions similar to these. 6 Move the CedarWord.app file to the required Apps folder - usually ~/Apps or /LocalApps. 7 Launch CedarWord and enter your registration details and license code as described below. 8 Read the license agreement in the on-line Help. Contacting Cedar Systems ======================== Cedar Systems Limited 2440 The Quadrant, Aztec West, Bristol, BS12 4AQ, England Phone: +44 (0) 1454 878708 Fax: +44 (0) 1454 878608 email: info@cedar.co.uk http://www.cedar.co.uk