SUBMISSION GateKeeper 3.0 Beta 4 GateKeeper 3.0 is an integrated GUI control and PPP package. CHANGES IN Beta 4 Loading of LKS's from ordinary user accounts has been fixed. Dial on Demand can be disabled, connection is then via the tools->start pppd menu item. Numerous minor enhancements. CHANGES IN Beta 3 Installation of this Beta should now be possible without 2.1. Some new sounds courtesy of Randi Joseph. Fixed bug in daemon's redial if password is rejected. GateKeeper will now auto load LKS's if necessary. CHANGES IN BETA 2 Fixed threading bug in (app hangs). RELEASE NOTES This is an early, experimental Beta. Minimal testing has been done on Intel hardware running 4.2 User with a SupraSonic modem. Building the source distribution requires NS 3.2/3.3 Developer. It should work with NS 3.2->4.2 User. This release is self contained and will not affect prior releases of GateKeeper or PPP if you install it in a different folder. In this release GateKeeper and the integrated PPP daemon communicate in a peer to peer fashion as necessary via Mach RPC (prior releases parsed the PPP log stream). This allows GateKeeper to dynamically alter the behavior of the running PPP daemon. The current Beta only implements a subset of the planned RPC so many things require the user to stop and start the PPP daemon (from GK) in order for changes to take effect. Central to the operation of this release is "Dial on demand" which I have enabled in the PPP daemon. The integrated PPP package is based on the NeXT 2.3.1 release of the free PPP as ported by Steve Perkins and others. Significant changes include: Architecture has been extensively reworked to support the new model of operation. Preferences now consists of dynamically loaded bundles. PostPPP script execution upon termination of GK and daemon. PPP daemon Dial on demand has been enabled. Mach RPC and communications server thread added. chat Slight mod to overcome cheese ball NeXT POSIX support. Capture and reporting of connection speed via Mach RPC. PPP LKS nb_shrink_top reset per 0.4.5 kernel. DISTRIBUTION FILES GateKeeper.3.0.Beta.4.s.tar.gz contains a source distribution GateKeeper.3.0.Beta.4.NI.b.tar.gz contains a binary distribution URL's SUPPORT My ability to provide support is very limited. Should you require assistance I will expect you to have the current stable release (2.1) running on your system. During the Beta period I will provide support without charge to those testing the Beta. Upon final release the following will apply: Comments and bug reports are always welcome, but if you would like support the following applies: 1. If you are a non-commercial user and are doing some type of FSF GNU or other freeware work for the UNIX community let me know and we'll call it even. The same is true if you provide software free to single non-commercial users or if you have contributed to the creation of GateKeeper. 2. If you would like E-mail support please register for it by sending in a one time registration fee of $20 USD. 3. If you would like telephone support please contact me via E-mail for details. CURRENT RELEASE The current Beta release of GateKeeper is version 3.0 Beta 4 The current stable release of GateKeeper is version 2.1 FEATURES -- Dial on demand. -- Manual Dial and login to a ppp provider without a script. -- Compound document format for storing information necessary to access an Internet Service Provider. -- GUI document editor (partially implemented) -- Toolbar control -- Idle timeout with sound warning. -- Execute and check exit status of a preLink and a preUnLink script prior to the respective operation. -- displays pppStats -- Redial. -- App Icon session timer. -- Tri-state animated icon provides status feedback. -- Captures and displays connection information BUGS A local nameserver is required for proper operation of dial on demand. A caching only configuration is ideal. If you are using the GK 2.1 stable release you must switch the PPP log from a FIFO to a file in GK 2.1's preferences. If you want old Gate docs to report connection speed you must add a line to your pppup file like: "REPORT CARRIER". See the enclosed example doc. The documentation does not reflect this Beta release. German localization has been removed from this Beta. Comments, bug reports and suggestions should be sent to: Felipe A. Rodriguez 5315 Colodny st. #7 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (NeXTmail preferred) (MIMEmail welcome) ####################################################################