NPPOWERD This daemon turns off your NeXTlaser (/dev/np0) if it isn't used for some minutes. nppowerd runs in background. Nppowerd has one argument to change the number of minutes it has to wait after last printed page before turning off your NeXTlaser. If no argument is found nppowerd will wait for five minutes. INSTALLATION Run "cc -arch m68k -Wall nppowerd.c -s -o nppowerd" to compile this daemon or use the pre-compiled binary "nppowerd". As root copy nppowerd in /etc and add the following line in /etc/rc.local: /etc/nppowerd After this reboot your computer. RELEASE NOTES 1.0 First public release for the German OPENSTEP newsletter "NEXTTOYOU" AUTHOR Gerald Erdmann (