mix-2.11.README This is Release 2.11 of mix -- computer-telephony integration for NEXTSTEP NOTE: mix-2.1.NI.tar.z has been replaced with mix-2.11.NI.tar.z, all other parts are identical with the mix-2.1 release. Release 2.11 fixes minor bugs in the fax part of mix This software runs on NeXT computers and on Intel computers running NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 or 3.3. You may run the demo on any such system. For connecting to the telephone system you'll need additional hardware This software operates with mixbox/1 and the new mixbox/2. Intel computers also need the i56 DSP board. mix consists of the following Packages: Needed for upgrade and demo: mixCall-2.1.NI.tar.z - Application for building call programs mixCallObjects-2.1.NI.tar.z - Objects for call programs direct-0.95.pkg.NI.tar.z - dial and address book application Needed for upgrade only: mix-2.11.NI.tar.z - background processes and fax modem software Needed for upgrade on Intel based computers only: i56Driver-1.1.I.tar.z - driver for the i56 DSP board (Intel only) To unpack type in a Terminal window: gzcat PackageName.tar.z | tar xf - where PackageName is one of the above. You may distribute this Packages to any ftp server provided you do not modify the files in any way and drop a note to info@ilink.de All software contained in the files is copyright 1995 by i.link Kommunikationssysteme GmbH, Berlin, All rights reserved. For more information contact i.link at email: info@ilink.de tel: +49 30 216 20 48 fax: +49 30 215 82 74 mail: i.link GmbH Nollendorfstr. 11-12 10777 Berlin Germany