FEBRUARY 16, 1995 Release 2.275 fixes a couple of minor bugs and corrects some errors in the online help. FEBRUARY 5, 1995 Contact: WolfWare PO Box 4977 Ithaca, NY, USA 14852-4977 http://www.wolfware.com/ support@wolfware.com WolfWare Releases NewsFlash Usenet Newsreader Version 2: New Release Adds Thread Support and User Interface Enhancements WolfWare is proud to announce NewsFlash Version 2 - a major new release of our graphical Usenet newsreader for NeXTSTEP. NewsFlash Version 2 retains all the speed and flexibility of earlier releases while introducing powerful new capabilities. True article threading by reference makes it easy to follow and manipulate discussion threads. Intelligent uuencoded article handling allows automated posting and asynchronous extraction of multi-part binary files. Smart NNTP data retrieval and local caching ensures optimal performance even over low bandwidth dial-up links. Newsgroup and article list filters, a wide range of sort options, kill files and regular expression searches permit selective and efficient reading of news. Posting and responding to articles is made easy by custom quoting, tight integration with Mail.app, flexible signature handling, and an interface which permits full control over article headers. Flexible newsgroup and article display formats, a multi-page preferences panel, and the option of keyboard or mouse control allows the user to customize NewsFlash to meet their own needs. Numerous user interface refinements and a completely revised and expanded context sensitive help system make NewsFlash Version 2 even easier to use than the original. NewsFlash Version 2 is available now for Intel, NeXT, HP and Sparc platforms running NeXTSTEP version 3.2 or higher. NewsFlash requires Internet access to an NNTP server which supports the News Overview (NOV) database. FREE evaluation copies of NewsFlash Version 2 can be downloaded from WolfWare's World Wide Web page at http://www.wolfware.com or from WolfWare's ftp site at ftp://ftp.wolfware.com. Evaluation copies are fully functional except that each newsreading session is limited to fifteen minutes. Single user licenses can be purchased for $45 from OpenSource (1-800-TRY-OPEN) or Object Technologies (1-800-452-7608). Site licenses can be purchased starting at $95 for five users. NewsFlash Version 2 is a free upgrade for licensed users of earlier versions of NewsFlash. For more information visit WolfWare's newly redesigned World Wide Web page at http://www.wolfware.com or send e-mail to info@wolfware.com (NeXTMail and MIME welcome). Copyright 1996, WolfWare. All rights reserved. NewsFlash is a trademark of WolfWare. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.