THE PPD VERSIONS INCLUDED IN THIS DIRECTORY ARE AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN. CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE AND THEN DELETE THE ".ENGLISH" RESP. ".GERMAN" FROM THE FILE NAME! THE PPD FILES FOR THE LJ 4PLUS HAVE SET DUPLEX AS THE DEFAULT SO YOU MUST CHOOSE THIS AS A DEFAULT ON YOUR LJ, TOO (PRINT MENU DUPLEX=ON). FOLLOWING IS THE ORIGINAL README: This file can be used to enable duplex printing on HP LaserJets. After placing this file in the same directory were all your .ppd files reside (normally it's the /NextLibrary/PrinterTypes/English.lproj), check its permissions and flags to be the same as all other .ppd's being there; then replace the last line in the file with the exact name and path of your original .ppd file. Finally use the Printer Manager to select this modified printer type instead of the original one. Nicoara Lix Paulian