Mailing List Archive Tim Reed Wednesday Sept. 22 1992 Welcome to the Archive This is the archive of all messages posted to the mailing list over the last two years. Most questions about Improv have been addressed here. Note that we are in the process of moving the list to another site. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement about the new home for the Improv list soon! To Use This Archive This archive is in standard UNIX mail spool file format. To read the messages enclosed, execute the following steps: Make sure that you have no new mail waiting. Use the New Mail command in Copy the archive to the /usr/spool/mail folder. Change the name of the archive in /usr/spool/mail match your login name. Go back to and click New Mail again. The stamp in the Mail application should animate for a few seconds. All the messages posted to the Improv list during the last couple of years should appear in your Active mailbox. That's it. This archive is unedited, so there is probably lots of noise in it. The ambitious among you should feel free to clean up the spool file and resubmit to the archives. Archive administrator: Please copy the archive to whereever you keep mailing list or news archives, or other net-contributed documentation. Thanks for watching, and enjoy the information about Lotus Improv. Tim --- Timothy Reed, Black Market Technologies Voice: +1 718 522-5090 Fax: +1 718 852-4249 E-mail: "Reading documentation is an admission of failure." "Also, my cat Arthur was FTPing hundreds of terabytes of PD software from Epsilon Eridani in the year 4741 A.D. over the faster-than-light Ethernet interface I built for him, and this may have been loading the Net a little yesterday. My sincere apologies to everyone who noticed any performance degradation."