This tarfile represents Los Alamos preprint LA-UR-92-2541, whose title page includes material given [in (Rev)TeX form] below. It was submitted Computers in Physics around August 15, 1992. The paper (13 pages) can be printed either from the file (if launched into Preview, it doesn't look so great but it prints out OK) or from the FrontFort.dvi file (through TeXview). The figures (7 pages) were generated by Diagram! but are included here as a .ps file that can also be viewed and printed with Preview. Richard R. Silbar silbar@lampf.bitnet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{title} An Interactive NeXTstep Interface to a Fortran Code for Solving Coupled Differential Equations \end{title} \author{Richard R. Silbar} \begin{instit} Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 \end{instit} \begin{abstract} This paper describes a user-friendly frontend to a Fortran program that integrates coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The user interface is built using the NeXTstep Interface Builder, together with a public-domain graphical palette for displaying intermediate and final results. The main problem is how to communicate between the Objective-C environment of NeXTstep and the Fortran code. This is resolved by breaking up the Fortran into separate subroutines, corresponding to the various control buttons in the interface. These subroutines are then compiled in such a way that they can be called as ordinary C functions. \end{abstract}