Interface Builder Reference Chapter _________________________________________________________________________________ The accompanying file, NeXT_IBReference.tar.Z, contains an electronic version of Chapter 3, "The Interface Builder Application," of the NeXTSTEP Development Tools and Techniques manual. We're releasing this chapter to the archives since it wasn't finished in time to be included with the on-line developer documentation that comes with NeXTSTEP 3.0. This material is identical to that found in Chapter 3 of the printed version of the NeXTSTEP Development Tools and Techniques manual, published by Addison-Wesley and available in most technical bookstores. Contents _________________________________________________________________________________ NeXT_IBReference.tar.Z is .141 megabytes in size and contains one RTFD file, InterfaceBuilder.rtfd, which occupies .604 megabytes when uncompressed. If you have suggestions or bug reports relating to this chapter, please send me email at I can't guarantee that I'll respond to each message, but I'm interested in all comments. If you have comments, suggestions, or bug reports about other documentation, Interface Builder, the Application Kit, or other aspects of NeXTSTEP, please direct them to Thanks, Matt Morse NeXT Technical Publications