General: ======== I suppose you know the problem: after installing 4.0 you can't develop 3.x applications any more. Quoting from the Release Notes: You can still develop and maintain NEXTSTEP 3.3 applications after upgrading to OPENSTEP 4.0 Developer. You can adopt two general stategies: NXHosting from a shared 3.3 machine and dual-booting. Well, that's not entirely true. There is at least one more strategy: both developer releases can be installed in separate directory trees and a set of links determines which developer package is used (3.2 and 3.3 Developer seem to run on OS4.0). Creating this setup by hand is a lot of work, so I decided to write a shell script to do it. I thought it might be useful for others, too. The script takes one parameter: either "install" or "remove". With "install" the link-setup is created, with "remove" the original setup is restored. Removing the link setup might be a wise idea before you attempt an upgrade. How to install the setup (everything should be done as root): ============================================================= 0.) Install 4.0 Developer as normal. 1.) Unpack the desired second developer packages into a directory called /Dev-3.2 (if you use 3.2 Developer) or /Dev-3.3 (if you use 3.3 Developer) You can do this for 3.2 Developer with the commands: mkdir /Dev-3.2; cd /Dev-3.2 zcat /NEXTSTEP_Dev_3.2/NextCD/Packages/XXX/XXX.tar.Z | \ /NextAdmin/ xvf - 2.) You may want to thin out all executables to the architectures you need. I have provided the script 'thin' for this purpose. If you use white hardware, you can do this as follows: cd / thin -R -arch i386 -arch i486 Dev-3.2 You will see a lot of warnings, because each executable contains only one of the architectures. 3.) Important: If you use 3.3, you _must_ delete /Dev-3.3/usr/lib/dyld now. You may remove /Dev-3.?/usr/ucb because the 4.0 executables work with 3.2 and 3.3. You may also want to remove all executables from /Dev-3.?/usr/lib because the 4.0 ones work for 3.2 and 3.3. (Thanks to George Tourlakis for daring to try the 3.3 stuff.) 4.) Load the script 'dev-setup' into and read the remarks. If you use 3.3 Developer, you should change OLD_DIR to 'Dev-3.3'. 5.) Execute dev-setup with parameter 'install'. This produces some warnings about files which are in only one developer package. That's normal. After this step the setup should be complete and working. 6.) Edit the script 'develop' and change 3.2 to 3.3 if desired. Copy it to /usr/local/bin with suid root. How to switch between developer releases: ========================================= The script 'develop' can be used to switch between the releases: develop 3.2 (or 3.3 respectively) switches to 3.2/3.3 developer environment, develop 4.0 switches to the 4.0 environment. ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY: ======================= There is absolutely no warranty! If you want to use the script, please try to understand it first. There is no magic going on, but if you run into problems, you should know what is happening. --- Send suggestions and success stories (but no bombs, please) to Christian Starkjohann or