ERRATA for the Garfinkel/Mahoney BOOK, "NeXTSTEP Programming - STEP ONE: Object-Oriented Applications" by Simson L. Garfinkel and Michael K. Mahoney published by TELOS/Springer-Verlag, 1993. ISBN 0-387-97884-4 Send additional errata to (improvements in the code are welcome, but please submit the entire improved files with detailed comments and a list of changes). The following errors (and comments) were found in the first printing of the book and corrected in the second printing. The first printing (6000 copies) sold out in about 3 months. We thank you all for buying the book and thank those of you who submitted errors and comments to even more. A special thanks go to Duane Storti and Andreas Ploeger, both of whom submitted several pages of comments. - Mike Mahoney 4/7/93 PAGE LINE ERROR / COMMENT xviii 9 "Suzanne Woolf at SRI International" --> "Suzanne Woolf Strauss at the USC Information Sciences Institute" 8 13 "five principle" --> "seven principal" 17 -2 "more than" --> "less than" 23 -8 You can Command-drag the Recycler out of the dock. 30 12 The Show Menus menu command is not implemented in the App Kit. 43 -3 "using" --> "use" 44 14 "Chapter 3" --> "Chapter 5" 57 8 "Copy" --> "Paste" 58 6 "View Documentation" --> "View Header" 59 -12 The order of the tools may differ in your IconBuilder. 110 -9 "are" --> "is" 112 17 "clear:" --> "View" 128 -2 "left" --> "right" 139 6 "Interfaces" --> "Headers" 140 21 "yFlag = 0" --> "yFlag = NO" 140 22 "enterFlag = 0" --> "enterFlag = NO" 152 6 Double-click the error message in the PB window . 155 3 "enterFlag = 1" --> "enterFlag = YES" 173 1 Drop the Info submenu when you see the copy cursor. 189 19 Insert "in the Info panel" immediately before the comma. 213 -6 "NX_WIDTH" --> "NX_X" 229 -1 "Panel" --> "Panels" 235 17 "ownerwith" --> "owner:with" 240 2 "abutton" --> "aButton" 241 9 "isKindof" --> "isKindOf" 244 3 "103" --> "105" 244 23 "Calculator.m" --> "CalcWindow.m" 244 -1 "designed" --> "designated" 250 -4 "off" --> "of" 262 10 You can copy the Evaluator file from the bundled floppy disk to your ~/Apps directory to install the Evaluator. 264 18 "containing" --> "contains" 274 8 Don't hide Workspace Manager as it's needed in Step 20. 281 -12 Insert "sizes" after "window". 294 -2 "you" --> "your" 297 20 "occured" --> "occurred" 309 18 "51" --> "60" 311 9 "Brackets" --> "Braces" 312 -7 "lets" --> "let's" 313 9 "lets" --> "let's" 353 5 "Consequentially" --> "Consequently" 366 -13 Insert "NXPing()" inside the inner "for" loop. 374 -7 "second" --> "seconds" 375 14 "of delayed loop" --> "of a delay loop" 379 -9 Insert "[self unlockFocus];" before "return self;" . 380 5 Insert "[self unlockFocus];" before "return self;" 391 -3 "View" --> "superview" 427 14 "number" --> "numbers" 428 2 "1024" --> "16384" 432 11 "rectsCount" --> "rectCount" 454 14 "Continous" --> "Continuous" 496 22 "superview" --> "superclass" 512 -15 "four" --> "five" 514 6 Change "readType" description to "Reads data from the pasteboard server." 523 -10 "paste board" --> "pasteboard" 560 14 "yFlag = 0" --> "yFlag = NO" 560 15 "enterFlag = 0" --> "enterFlag = NO" 563 -4 The code for appDidInit on page 245 should be used here. 567 -12 Insert "[self unlockFocus];" before "return self;" . 568 2 Insert "[self unlockFocus];" before "return self;" 574 20 "occured" --> "occurred" 596 4 "1024" --> "16384"