================================================== ObjcGrammarTest by Gregor N. Purdy 1992 Feb 15 11:34- Genesis. ================================================== This program is a simple demonstration of something I thought seemed a little strange that is allowed by NeXT's Objective-C grammar. The grammar info is in the reference manual "Technical Summaries", chapter 3. I think there might be some applications where this form could actually make sense... Now, of course, all we need is the ability to do things like this: [myObject putMail:theMail intoMailBox:theBox andBeep]; ^^^^^^^^ Which are currently NOT allowed by the grammar, but could be added by adding one case on page 3-7 to the end of the definition of message-selector: keyword-argument-list selector And a similarly-functioning line to method-selector on page 3-5: keyword-selector selector Other Ideas: As far as the grammar goes, it would be VERY easy to add multiple inheritance to Objective-C: On page 3-4 inside the definitions of "class-interface" and "class-implementation", just replace "superclass-name" with "superclass-specifier" and then add the definitions: superclass-specifier: superclass-name { superclass-list } superclass-list: superclass-name superclass-list, superclass-name Of course, the hard part is handling it in the runtime system... --Gregor =============== End of file. ===============