In the course of my project of the last couple hours of making available recent, posix-free, optimized, obese, reasonably configured binaries of some of the more common free programs and libraries, here is ncurses-1.9.6. To install on a typical system, just enter the directory and 'make install'. Note that this is not a 100% clean or extensively tested port. In particular the included version of 'tset' was so posixed that to get it to compile at all, it had to be completely lobotomized. I recommend removing it and sticking with the one part of the OS distribution. It includes a few dirty hacks and not all that much testing. However, it does run the example programs correctly. If you need to change compilation options to adapt the binaries to local requirements (e.g. to change what architectures to compile for -- the default is quad-fat), do _not_ rerun configure. Instead edit config.status, rerun it and remake. It has been manually altered to correct for some of the mistakes of the auto-configuration. Carl Edman 10-23-95