Jenny (Craig) 1.0 Created 7/23/93 Strips a NS 3.x fat binary which contains a Motorola NS 2.x runnable executeable down to a NS 2.x runnable executeable. By Christoper Lloyd, Yrrid Inc. This program is in the public domain. To build: cc jenny1.0.c -o jenny; strip jenny To use: - Build Motorola executeable under NS 2.x, which runs properly on 3.x. - Build Intel executeable under NS 3.x. - Using lipo under 3.x: lipo -create -output The final fat binary is suitable for running under NS 3.x. AND jenny If you run jenny on the executeable, it will strip it down to the original Motorola 2.x version, suitable for use under NS 2.x. -- I have tested this very little, but there is nothing magic about what's happening, so I wouldn't expect it to be problematic.