I have just submitted ctxt-util.1.0.s.tar.gz to ctxt-util is a command line tool for examination and manipulation of apps' DPS contexts. It is based on a class called ABAppInfo that abstracts out most of the very tricky undocumented elements of Fiend's app context handling. - David C. Lambert dcl@panix.com Here is some example output: unix> ctxt-util -h Usage: ctxt-util [-N appName|-s {-a,-r,-H}|-u|-v|-l] [-p pid|-c ctxt] [-h] -l: list apps and associated info -N: list info for a single app name::uid (eg, 'Edit::0') -s: toggle app status (requires pid or ctxt) -a: activate (hides if not present) -r: raise windows -H: hide other apps -v: vanish app icon (requires pid or ctxt) -u: restore app icon (requires pid or ctxt) -h: show this message unix> ctxt-util SHORTNAME PID UID CTXT ICON MENU MINIWINS Stuart 348 102 142606357 182 203 Mail 340 102 92274709 162 284 Fiend 325 102 58720277 105 -1 138 137 136 135 133 154 KPerfMon 345 102 117440533 165 -1 OmniWeb 568 102 167772183 248 258 LaunchBar 349 102 150994965 183 201 Edit 646 100 184549405 804 806 loginwindow 211 0 29360131 -1 -1 Edit 676 102 201326621 865 868 UserManager 618 0 192938009 779 782 Preferences 341 102 100663317 163 -1 Emacs 347 102 134217749 178 -1 Workspace 322 0 41943061 99 -1 865 779 265 248 191 183 Opener 351 102 159383573 191 -1 Pastry 342 102 109051925 164 -1 PopOver 571 102 176160791 265 267 Swap 346 102 125829141 176 -1 WM 323 102 67108885 190 125 202 199 196