1994 Total System Software Standard NeXT Distribution Images The images in the composite image palettes located as: /usr/lib/NextStep/Resources/Shared*.tiff are automatically grabbed by the shared library NXImage code on a look-up by name and inserted into Buttons or other appropriate views. The enclosed SystemBitmaps.nib includes both these and the images known to InterfaceBuilder.app by default, hence can be used in palettes without inclusion in a palette. Replacing /NextDeveloper/Apps/InterfaceBuilder.app/images.table with the one enclosed will cause IB to automatically display all of the system images, but not the IB specific ones in EVERY .nib you open, ready for drag to the appropriate place. NIBs can even be retro-fitted without compile to save space in existing apps, so long as you have an appropriate copy of IB. The SystemBitmaps.nib is really only especially useful to find the names of system bitmaps, because the images are layed out in matrixes of buttons. The ButtonCell Inspector for each button will show the image name, and a related hilighted name (if any). Running test interface on the .nib will allow you to press the buttons, of course, to see the toggle action between images.