Plplot is a library of C routines for creating scientific plots. It does simple 2D plots as well as 3D and contour plots. It has gobs of features. Try a few of the example programs. It creates encapsulated PostScript files which can be then be included in your TeX, LaTeX, or whatever documents. The library has been ported to many different machines. It just took a little over an hour to get the package up and running on the NeXT. To install: 1) Move libplplots.a to /usr/local/lib 2) Move plstnd.font and plxtnd.font to /usr/local/lib/plplot To try out the example programs: 1) cd into the examples directory 2) Type "compile_script 01" to compile and link example01.c 3) Run example01. You will be prompted for a file name in which the PostScript graphics will be stored. (I suggest something like 4) Preview the file. Type "open" The documentation is in LaTeX. cd to the docs directory and type "latex plotdoc" to create the dvi file. Tony Richardson Duke University 311 S. LaSalle St. Apt. 41B Dept. of Elect. Eng. Durham, NC 27705 Durham, NC 27706