TDKit is the start of Tiggr's DatabaseKit. It might even be the end, but that does not matter. What is called `TDKit' actually is only a single object: the TDRecordIndicator. TDKit is a freely distributable MAB:NI palette---no source. It has been uploaded to, and Description The TDRecordIndicator is a simple object for use with DBKit. The object indicates the index of the current record and the total number of records in a DBModule. You can step through the records by clicking the pages and you can manipulate the knob much as you would manipulate a slider. Also, in the bottom number, you can type and after typing , the record with that index will be displayed. How to use it Drag it into a window and connect to it any of the attributes of an entity associated with a DBModule. Now you can already test it in InterfaceBuilder's test mode. To use it in your own app, link the app against libTDKit.a, and be sure to include the `wideknob.tiff' and `fullrecord.tiff' images (present in the pallette) into your project. How it works It works by chatting with the DBAssociation and its DBFetchGroup. Hence, setting the current record does not involve direct chatting with the DBModule. The DBAssociation is the result of connecting it with a DBModule in IB. The only way the object listens to the DBAssociation is through the `-associationSelectionDidChange:' message. Legal Copyright (C) 1994 Pieter J. Schoenmakers. All rights reserved. This palette comes with absolutely no warranty. You are allowed to use it or distribute it. You are not allowed to change it. Credits The idea of this record indicator comes straight from Claris FileMaker, quite a nice Macintosh database application. Creator This palette was written by Pieter `Tiggr' Schoenmakers. You can contact me through email at `'.