Sun Mar 9 02:16:52 GMT-0600 1997 Just open a shell, change to the directory where this distribution is located and type 'make'. That is it. You should have the MiscGISKit installed. If you are having problems, type 'make help' for a list of the targets. This Category was added to give some 'higher' level functionality to the already powerful MiscCoord class. Some of the things added are the ability to: Insert a point, moving others up if needed. Prepend a point, moving others up if needed. Append a point, making a slot at the end. Reverse the order of the points. Swap any two points. Replace a point. Dump the array of point values to standard error. This all came about when I was writing an example XElement module for HyperSense 15b. See, and XElement is a subclass of View and I wanted this example to be a simple XY coordinate plot chart. I needed an array of points, and found this functionality in the MiscCoord class. But the ability to manage the data wasn't there, or at least to me it wasn't. So the category was born. I hope you find this useful. Left to the reader is the ability to remove point elements from the array (shrinking the array). As well, it would be nice to keep the interface for backward compatability but redo the data elements of the MiscCoord array. Instead of knowing the data type, it would be nice to simply have 3D point objects. Regards, Todd Anthony Nathan