This is a quick port of IconKit 1.2 to OPENSTEP 4.2 MachOS. Release notes v 4.2.1: I still don't know what H Scott Ray thinks about this port since the original license was not explicitly giving away the source¼but since Peter already did most of the boring conversion work...and having a read FileBrowser on Openstep/NT is something I couldn't resist to So I wasted one evening cleaning up and fixing some of the problems to make it behave a little better. 1) Everything at least compiles an Mach and NT 2) Fixed the retain/release problems where I stubled accross them 3) The IKShelf should now work properly 4) The IKIconPath is still not working correctly 5) FileViewer at least now works 90% the way it should. Under NT the shelf does not properly update the colors and we somehow don't get all the icons from the NSWorkspace class...but it works ! The IconKit was using its own GC mechanism and notification system which was good in the 3.x days. However parts of that caused problems under Openstep or at least make the code more complex then necessary. This will either need a major rewrite in a lot of places or we will propably see most of the ideas appear inside the MiscKit 2.x which already support some of the IconKit protocols and ideas. However...enjoy this cool kit. Thanx to Scott for writing it....and Peter for doing the dirty work of converting it. Aloha Tomi Engel ( The package has been uploaded to all three major ftp sites Installation instructions: 1) open the PB.project in ./IconKit.4.2.1/Framework 2) make install (the Framework installs to /LocalLibrary/Frameworks 3) open the PB.project in ./IconKit.4.2.1/FileViewer 4) make 5) run, the FileViewer should come up 6) open the PB.project in ./IconKit.4.2./Palette 7) make palette 8) open the Palette in IB... I've tested only a little piece of the entire source. The FileViewer app is runnig, and that's it. Please do not ask for support or any further enhancements. Greetings from Germany, Peter Kretzschmar EfI GmbH Rungestraûe 4 24537 Neumuenster GERMANY