ICONKIT A Toolbox for Drag-and-Drop Applications Release 1.2, June 7th, 1994 (C) 1994 by H. Scott Roy IconKit is an Objective-C class library for building drag-and-drop applications. It recreates the shelves, browsers, folders, and suitcases that are present throughout the basic NEXTSTEP applications: - The file browser and shelf in Workspace. - The bookshelves in Librarian. - The project browser in ProjectBuilder. - The suitcases in InterfaceBuilder. - The feature browser used to configure a DBTableView. IconKit contains all the objects one needs to build new applications of this kind. It is fully integrated with InterfaceBuilder, providing a palette and inspectors for all the IconKit classes. It comes complete with source code, documentation, and an example application that mimics the NEXTSTEP Workspace file viewer. IconKit is freely distributable and free for noncommercial use. It costs money for a commercial license, but you are allowed to use IconKit get your application working before deciding whether to purchase it. The General Objectware License that covers this policy is broadly applicable, and other developers are encouraged to adopt it for their own software. IconKit should work on any system running NEXTSTEP 3.0 or later. Distribution ------------ IconKit may be freely distributed, in whole or in part, provided only that the included ReadMe file and the General Objectware License are neither removed nor altered in any way. The complete kit is available from either of the two archive locations, cs.orst.edu (USA) ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de (Germany) In the event that you cannot locate IconKit at either of these two locations, you should contact the author to receive the complete distribution. All questions and correspondence are welcome! H. Scott Roy 2573 Stowe Ct. Northbrook, IL 60062-8103 iconkit@cs.stanford.edu