SSLeay. Mar 10, 1998 This archive contains an package for a Rhapsody framework for SSLeay. This is my port #1 of SSLeay v0.8.1. This default installation also requires the installation of the RSAref Rhapsody framework as (see below for more explanation). file: SSLeay. size: 1568kb md5sum: bd3cb506569515964fe9bc30ba3b67ba INSTALLATION Unpack the archive, > gnutar xzvf SSLeay. Install the framework to /LocalLibrary/Frameworks, > SSLeay.pkg This is the easiest place to put it, and software built with this framework expects it to be there. Alternate locations are possible, only if you know what you are doing and/or you don't mind playing with the Makefile in the framework to change the default installation parameters. NOTES If you are in the US, you are required to use the RSAref version of this cyptographic library. Don't worry, that is the default installation option. The RSAref version of SSleay requires you to also install the RSAref.framework as well (and you can stop reading this section). If you do NOT want to rely on RSAref, you'll need to take a peek at the GNUmakefile that's inside the framework at SSLeay.framework/Versions/Current/GNUmakefile, set the appropriate FRAMEWORK_DEP, and re-run gnumake. It should then create the SSLeay framework library of your choice. This SSLeay.framework was built to function as a drop-in replacement for the SSL and SSLCrypto frameworks by Jurgen Mollenhoff that are used in his HTTPS plugin for OmniWeb. This explains the presence of symbolic links SSL.framework and SSLCrypto.framework that point to SSLeay.framework. (I chose to combine these two libraries into one). I cheated to make this framework. It's not a TRUE framework built with ProjectBuilder, but a homebrew concoction I've made to imitate the real thing. I just wanted a dylib version of the library, and this is the result. I cheated building this package. The .tar.Z inside the pkg wrapper is REALLY a .tar.gz archive, which makes this package much smaller. The doesn't mind, since it just pipes it to gzip and gnutar. CHANGELOG. Mar 10, 1998 (port 1) - Package for distribution. Feb 3, 1998 - Updated fancy GNUmakefile to handle multiple dependancies - Update makefile to be able to make both RSAref and non-RSAref versions. CREDITS Framework Build Rex Dieter Computer System Manager University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics and Statistics Source Eric Young