Perl.5.005_02.1.m.README Sep 22, 1998 file: desc: Framework port 1 of perl v5.005_02 sum: 35222 4477 md5sum: 1f5425997cbe2cda93179b369def874e file: Perl.5.005_02.1.m.s.tar.gz desc: (slightly) modified perl 5.005_02 source code (just type make) sum: 19519 4330 md5sum: a1566cc3c4525457d17ba5f25bafe01a (** to be placed at **) A complete Perl implementation built in the form of a Framework, so that it can be used for embedding a perl interpreter into other products (like apache + mod_perl). Install it only on computers running Openstep for Mach 4.x. Highlights of this perl port: * Localization: This version/port of Perl is (almost) completely localized into the folder /LocalLibrary/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Versions/5.00502 so that it should not interfere with other versions, ports, or implementations of perl. The only EXCEPTION is that this package does make symbolic links in /usr/local/bin pointing to THIS version of the perl interpreter. * IPC/SysV support: Thanks to the libIPC.a library from Tom Hageman. * Source code available. INSTALLATION Type in a window (as root). > cd /wherever/the/file/is > gnutar xvzf Then use /NextAdmin/ on the resulting Perl.pkg. Note this package includes runs a few scripts (that run automatically at these specified times): 1. pre_install: makes uncompress and zcat point to gunzip and gzcat, respectively, so that the can now handle gzipped Installer packages, which this is. (gzipped packags are MUCH smaller). 2. post_install: makes links (in /usr/local/bin) to the real perl, perl5, perl5.005, and perl5.00502 binaries. 3. post_delete: removes aforementioned links (See 2). Install the resulting package to /LocalLibrary/Frameworks You may also want to add /LocalLibrary/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Executables to your path, to make all the perl utililies available from a shell. This perl distribution installs for native build dynamic modules, by default. If you want your distribution to build FAT add-on dynamically loadable modules, you'll need to look at /LocalLibrary/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Versions/5.00502/Modules/*. A few perl modules require additional frameworks installed: DB_File DB.framework (>= GDBM_File GDBM.framework (>= which must also be installed (to /LocalLibrary/Frameworks) for you to successfully use this distribution of Perl. These frameworks can be found at: CHANGELOG Sep 22, 1998 (5.005_02 port 1) - Remove POSIX module in default build. It's use in other modules (e.g. Net::Domain) cause a BusError crash. - Make separate arch directories, so perl will stop complaining. - Include extra/updated modules (CPAN::Bundle, libnet::Bundle). TODO * Include more optional/updated perl modules. * I could make a new port (that includes Localization) of perl5.004_04 available, if there is interest. CREDITS Perl home page Package Creation Rex Dieter Computer System Manager University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics and Statistics