This directory and its sub-directories contains the source code, support files, and documentation to a FindPanel class. There is also an example project. The FindPanel class is designed to be a mostly self-contained bundle which can be incorporated into a project with minimal effort. This is version 1.0 (15 August 1993). This product requires NeXTSTEP 3.x or higher. Known bugs in 1.0: - The only known bug in this software is in the FindPanel class's internal _calcFindPanelTarget instance method. The method assumes that the responder chains of the key and main windows end with some responder that has a next responder of nil (this "end of the chain" responder need not be the windows themselves, though it is them if the windows' next responders have not been explicitly set). This also means that a responder chain that loops is also a bad thing. Under "normal" usage, this bug will not manifest itself. Written and maintained by Christopher J. Kane ( Please feel free to contact the author with any questions, comments, bug reports, or suggestions about this package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- README - This file (cleverly enough) HowToUse.rtf - Instructions for adding FindPanel to a project FindPanel.rtf - Documentation for the FindPanel class FindPanelClass.rtf - Documentation for the FindPanelClass category SearchableText.rtf - Documentation for the SearchableText protocol FindPanel/ - Source code for FindPanel bundle FindPanel.h - FindPanel class header file FindPanel.m - and source file FindPanelClass.h - FindPanelClass category header file FindPanelClass.m - and source file SearchableText.h - Header file for SearchableText protocol Makefile \ PB.gdbinit | Bundle project support files PB.project / English.lproj \ French.lproj \ German.lproj | Language directories (contain localized Italian.lproj | string and FindPanel.nib files) Spanish.lproj / Swedish.lproj / Searcher/ - Example project (NeXTSTEP 3.0 application) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the copyright and license notice: =========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1993 Christopher J. Kane. All rights reserved. Permission to make and distribute copies of this software, and to use it for any purpose, is hereby granted, provided this copyright and license notice are preserved on all copies. Modified versions of this software must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. In no event may the original authorship of this software be explicitly misrepresented. Authors of software developed with the aid of, or that incorporates, this software are under no obligation to the copyright holder other than those obligations outlined in this license; they need not credit the copyright holder nor the source of this software. The copyright holder makes no express or implied warranty or representation of any kind with respect to this software, including any warranty that this software is error-free. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPY- RIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCI- DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The copyright holder is under no obligation to provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ===========================================================================