perl.5.004_04.2.README Mar 3, 1998 file: perl.5.004_04.2.PI.tar.gz size: 3416kb md5sum: 2ad6bf7e68e89094b61fad4cd85e1ee3 perl v5.004_04 package, including support for dynamic loading of modules and current versions of all standard modules. Install it only on computers running Rhapsody DR1. This latest port includes FAT (i386+ppc) binaries for use on both platforms. To install, Type in a window (as root). cd /wherever/the/file/is gnutar xvzf perl.5.004_04.2.PI.tar.gz perl.pkg Changes required for build: - Used as skeleton for a hints file. - Used dl_next.xs for dynamic loading. - Add HAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE to, config_h.SH (fixes problem with pp_sys.c) - Used system malloc. I tried using perl's malloc, but had intermitent segmentation faults. - modified perl.h and perl.c to use __environ for environment variable (like other systems). David Young ( has an alternate fix in his port of perl: - need to change dyld_stub_* in perl.c to the new _NSGetEnviron (much cooler if you ask me) in /usr/include/crt_externs.h - Remove POSIX call to sigpending(). It is missing from System.framework, though it IS documented. I suspect this missing function to reappear in a later release of Rhapsody. NOTES Installs for native build dynamic modules only. If you want your distribution to build FAT add-on dynamically loadable modules, you'll need to look at /usr/local/lib/perl5/fat-rhapsody/5.00404/*. Some of the add-on modules (like CPAN and Net) are configured for my system and may require adjusting to function properly on your system. See /usr/local/lib/perl5/CPAN/ and /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/fat-rhapsody/Net/ for details. I cheated building this package. The .tar.Z inside the pkg wrapper is REALLY a .tar.gz archive, which makes this package much smaller. The doesn't mind, since it just pipes it to gzip and gnutar. PORT CHANGELOG port 2: Mar 3, 1998 - Add FAT binary (i386+ppc) support. ppc untested. port 1: Feb 23, 1998 - First attempt, i386 only CREDITS Package Creation Rex Dieter Computer System Manager University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics and Statistics Perl home page /