kaffe.1.0b3.1.README Mar 2, 1999 file: kaffe.1.0b3.1.I.b.tar.gz desc: kaffe 1.0b3 i386-nextstep3 binary package sum: 08092 1991 md5sum: 9001f29a47e6eff0a9cdd26833c062bf file: kaffe.1.0b3.1.s.tar.gz desc: kaffe 1.0b3 slightly modified source sum: 52252 1795 md5sum: 61b06c292e2f44fe3102febd3a524be8 The archive (most likely) will be located at ftp://ftp.peak.org/pub/next/apps/internet/www/java http://www.peak.org/next/apps/internet/www/java This is a distribution of kaffe 1.0b3 for NEXTSTEP 3.2 (and above) and OpenStep for Mach 4.x. It includes awt support, provided you have an X server to dsiplay to (like co-Xist, Cub'X or Xnext). From kaffe's source README: ======================= KAFFE OpenVM 1.0 Beta 3 ======================= This is of "Kaffe OpenVM", a complete virtual machine and class library set which allows the execution of Java code without any code from Javasoft. It comes with a virtual machine and a set of class libraries including beans, and the all important AWT graphics system. INSTALLATION This is an Installer.app style package, use /NextAdmin/Installer.app to install to /usr/local I've included 3 different Kaffe builds in this package. 1. Kaffe_internal: uses dynamic loading + unix-internal threading, 2. Kaffe_jthreads: uses dynamic loading + unix-jthreads threading, and 3. Kaffe_posix: built without dynamic loading + posix + unix-jthreads. Ironically, it appears, in my limited testing, that the posix version is the most stable, primarily because of it's support for POSIX-style signal handling (which is totally missing in the other two). The default build, here, however, is Kaffe_interal. look at the symbolic link /usr/local/bin/Kaffe to see or modify which version of Kaffe YOU want to use. SOURCE NOTES I put these quicky notes for those brave souls who would like to tackle the job of compiling kaffe for yourself. Be warned, it's hairy. And, please, please, don't ask me questions about it. Everything I know is here, and anything not included here, most likely, I don't know. (-; Here's the steps I took to building kaffe on an OpenStep for Mach 4.2 system. On such an OS4.2, to build kaffe, you need to have a modified cc compiler to produce static (ie, NEXTSTEP 3.x) binaries. Hint: you need the NEXTSTEP 3.x library /lib/libsys_s.a Required auxilary libraries libX11 (I used Xnext's) libjpeg (I used JPEG.framework) libgmp (I used GMP.framework) libpng (I used PNG.framework) libz (I used Zlib.framework) 1. setenv CC cc # You can't use gcc 2. configure --with-threads=internal i386-next-nextstep3 3. make The resulting kaffe binary does not even come close to passing all the regression tests, unfortunately. CHANGELOG Mar 2, 1999 (1.0b3 pkg #1) * First attempt at building from source * Use Xnext's X11R6 libraries Oct 16, 1998 (1.0b2 pkg #2) * Bad libnative.o caused dynamic loading to fail, fixed. Oct 15, 1998 (1.0b2 pkg #1) * First attempt * X support via co-Xist's X11R5 libraries CREDITS Package Creation Rex Dieter Computer System Manager Universtity of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics and Statistics http://www.math.unl.edu/~rdieter/ kaffe: http://www.transvirtual.com/ ftp://ftp.transvirtual.com/pub/kaffe/ More kaffe on NEXTSTEP info http://www.mathi.uni-heidelberg.de/STEPkaffe/