gcc. (aka gcc-m68k. (aka gcc-m68k. (aka gcc-libs. April 29, 1998 These packages are so interrelated, this single README is for them all. file: gcc-m68k. desc: gcc tools for m68k target binaries, Installer package sum: 39483 3447 md5sum: cac524ef9fc437880c7cb06b184070d0 file: gcc-i386. desc: gcc tools for i386 target binaries, Installer package sum: 24712 3465 md5sum: 634b7e29d971da73527f69feb55cdfba file: gcc-libs. desc: gcc target libs, Installer package sum: 57863 1697 md5sum: cb024a620fa794228bc2bcd490f806b1 (** To be placed at: http://www.peak.org/next/apps/devtools/ ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/apps/devtools/ **) These archives contain the following pre-built binaries/libs: gcc- g77-0.5.22 libg++-2.7.2 built on and for the m68k-next-nextstep3 i386-next-nextstep3 platforms. Includes drivers for output targets for each platform, ie, you can produce both m68k and i386 binaries on/for both platforms. NOTES Regarding the versioning of this package: I tacked on my port attempt numbers to the end of the gcc versions, ie, This represents my third (.3) attempt at porting gcc v2.7.2.3 to NEXTSTEP. These packages have been built for and tested on NEXTSTEP 3.3, but may also work on other versions of NEXTSTEP 3.x. This build CAN (but doesn't, by default) work on OpenStep for Mach 4.x, provided you have at your disposal a few of the binaries and libraries from the DeveloperTools package from NEXTSTEP 3.3. See USING GCC ON OPENSTEP for details. INSTALLATION I've split the distribution into 3 logical parts (since it IS so big), gcc-m68k, gcc-i386, and gcc-libs. A full installation includes: 1) gcc-m68k and/or gcc-i386, depending on the binaries you wish to create; 2) gcc-libs. gcc-m68k/gcc-i386 contains (primarily) the gcc binaries, so these probably should be installed thin for your native architecture only. gcc-libs contains the headers and libraries used to create the target libraries, so if you want the capability to cross compile, install this fat (m68k+i386). To install the pkg archives, use Installer.app to install to /usr/local. NOTE: you STILL need the nextstep developer packages (tested for NEXTSTEP 3.3 only... earlier/other versions may or may not work) installed in order to use this, as it uses NeXT's supplied C header files and libraries. Also, in order to build non-native binaries, you need the DeveloperLibs installed for that other platform too. ENVOCATION AND CROSS-COMPILING To create m68k binaries envoke the compiler as: m68k-next-nextstep3-gcc foo.c (or, alternatively, gcc-ns3 -bm68k-next-nextstep3 foo.c ) To create i386 binaries envoke the compiler as: i386-next-nextstep3-gcc foo.c (or, alternatively, gcc-ns3 -bi386-next-nextstep3 foo.c ) A shortcut has been provided to create binaries for your native architecture automatically, if you envoke the compiler as gcc-ns3 foo.c or just gcc foo.c I used the name gcc-ns3 to make life simpler for those using this on OpenStep for mach, where gcc, by itself, could possibly represent a native nextstep4 (OpenStep for Mach) compiler. The two are not compatible and should not be confused with one another. USING GCC ON OPENSTEP (for Mach 4.x) So, you want to use this compiler to create NEXTSTEP compatible binaries, but you have OpenStep for Mach 4.x installed? Not (much of) a problem. The developer environment changed enough between NEXTSTEP 3.x and OpenStep 4.x, that gcc for NEXTSTEP 3.x won't work without a few modifications. Fortunately, these modifications are minimal. I will note that this distribution of gcc is compatible with a native nextstep4 or openstep4 compiler. Differing versions of the compiler can peacefully coexist. The only thing to worry about is the main gcc binary: /usr/local/bin/gcc (and likewise for g++, g77). This package over-writes them, so that envoking 'gcc' will use this nextstep3 compiler. If you prefer 'gcc' to be a different compiler, by default, simply link it (hard or soft) to the appropriate binary in /usr/local/bin, like: gcc -> i386-next-nextstep4-gcc or gcc -> m68k-next-nextstep3-gcc Envoking the compiler is a little tricky now too. This is especially the case when you have native nextstep4/openstep4 gcc compiler installed too. To be safe, you should envoke gcc as gcc-ns3 and always add the appropriate -b flag to the compiler, like: gcc-ns3 -bi386-next-nextstep3 Furthermore, you need to obtain a few binaries and libraries from the DeveloperTools package from NEXTSTEP 3.3 (Don't install the DeveloperTools from NEXTSTEP 3.3 onto an OpenStep system, especially if you already have the DeveloperTools from OpenStep 4.x installed) Unfortunately, I can't package this gcc distribution with these bits and pieces already installed/configured for you. I CAN tell you how to do it, however. The items you need are: Binaries (from /bin/): Install these to /usr/local/m68k-next-nextstep3/bin/ and/or /usr/local/i386-next-nextstep3/bin/ ld REQUIRED install as ld.nextstep3 as OPTIONAL (can use OpenStep's as, if you already have it) install as as.nextstep3 ar OPTIONAL (can use OpenStep's ar, if you already have it) ranlib OPTIONAL (can use OpenStep's ranlib, if you already have it) Libraries (from /lib/): ALL REQUIRED Install these to /usr/local/m68k-next-nextstep3/lib/ and/or /usr/local/i386-next-nextstep3/lib/ crt0.o crt1.o gcrt0.o gcrt1.o libsys_s.a posixcrt0.o Header files (from /usr/include/): OPTIONAL (can use OpenStep's header files) Install these to /usr/local/m68k-next-nextstep3/include/ and/or /usr/local/i386-next-nextstep3/include/ You'll probably only need the ansi, bsd, and mach include subdirectories. CHANGELOG April 29, 1998 (port 3) - Minor bugfix release, no real need to upgrade from port 2, as long as you don't mind doing the c++ header file fix described below. - Minor c++ header file config (_G_config.h) fix for missing sys/cdefs.h on NEXTSTEP 3.3 (Sorry, I had only tested this on OpenStep for Mach 4.x). - Use gzipped (smaller) package install using pre_install script. - Use symoblic links instead of shell scripts for gcc-ns3, g++-ns3, g77-ns3 (they are now made at install time). - Add cute GNU head icon. April 20, 1998 (port 2) - Split distribution into 3 parts: m68k drivers, i386 drivers, target libs. - Added section: USING ON OPENSTEP - Add TOOL_INCLUDE + ansi/bsd dirs to include search paths. - removed objc compiler/runtime. - Full m68k/i386 distribution. - update to g77-0.5.22 CREDITS GNU Software, gcc source http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/ Packager Rex Dieter Computer System Manager University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics and Statistics http://www.math.unl.edu/~rdieter/