Received by nextmusic: Fri, 11 Sep 92 16:00:49 -0700 Heigh-ho: My Labor Day hacking project produced a toy app called "TimeWarp." TimeWarp lets you play back a sound file with a speed control to shift the pitch up and down, very much like you'd get with a variable speed tape recorder. TimeWarp uses simple linear interpolation between samples to shift the playback speed. But TimeWarp is really just an excuse to show off the new version of the DACPlayer object that it's built around. If you're interested in real-time playback of sound and want to be able to manipulate sound on the fly, drop me a line and I'll send you the project folder (sources and .nib files). My one request is that you be able to handle NeXT mail attachments. Rob Poor Robert_Poor@NeXT.COM